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Another emergency vet visit...

Hang in there Erika. I do recommend getting the MRI done, while it's expensive, it's worth it as it will give you definitive answers on what is wrong with Hudson and how the specialists can fix it. Without seeing him and just reading the story it does sound like he probably hurt his disks in some capacity and while he may look ok with on the pain meds or better, once off them I fear that he may return to the not wanting to walk or move since it's painful. I know paying for the vet visits up front is hard, my care credit is almost maxed out at 5500 but I don't ever skimp on care for my boys. They are family and the insurance does pay us back 80% so it's well worth it.

Hang in there. I do hope Hudson baby returns to normal and does not need surgery. Fight Like a Frenchie healing vibes coming your way from the south.... Kisses and Hugz!

As soon as the vet says the word, we will have the MRI done. So far the emergency vet, our regular vet, and the neurologist from the vet school have all said give it a little time. Thank you!!

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Hey Erika, I am just catching up to this one as well. Hope Hudson (and you) are doing better.

Thank you!!

I'll use this post as my update for today:

I slept on the floor with Hudson last night because he's feeling better and didn't want to settle. Luckily he slept through the night without issue with me by his side.

He took his last pain pill at 9 pm and I took him out around 5 am and he was wanting to walk and was no longer shaky or unstable on his feet. He is using his back legs to their full capacity. I am hoping that this is a great sign considering the pain medication should have been about worn off by then. He is on the medications for 2 weeks and is on bed rest for 2 weeks, even if he gets better.

He is wanting to eat, follow me around, and has his personality back. We aren't letting him do anything, but just knowing that his attitude has improved so much is huge for me. I am feeling cautiously optimistic today. The vet said that he could have just had a single episode where he irritated a disk, as he wouldn't be making these strides if he had ruptured one.

It has been suggested that we try some cold laser therapy on him, so that is likely our next step. It is supposed to encourage regeneration of healthy cells and speed healing, especially in cases of back injuries like this. We will continue communicating with all of our vets and if anyone suggests an MRI or further diagnostics then that is what we will do, no questions asked.

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That is wonderful news that he's feeling better and acting like himself!!!! I will continue to send mojo & healing Frenchie vibes to H!

I'm going to hug the hell out of my dogs when I get home. I always do but tonight it will be a very tight hug.
Thank you!!

I'll use this post as my update for today:

I slept on the floor with Hudson last night because he's feeling better and didn't want to settle. Luckily he slept through the night without issue with me by his side.

He took his last pain pill at 9 pm and I took him out around 5 am and he was wanting to walk and was no longer shaky or unstable on his feet. He is using his back legs to their full capacity. I am hoping that this is a great sign considering the pain medication should have been about worn off by then. He is on the medications for 2 weeks and is on bed rest for 2 weeks, even if he gets better.

He is wanting to eat, follow me around, and has his personality back. We aren't letting him do anything, but just knowing that his attitude has improved so much is huge for me. I am feeling cautiously optimistic today. The vet said that he could have just had a single episode where he irritated a disk, as he wouldn't be making these strides if he had ruptured one.

It has been suggested that we try some cold laser therapy on him, so that is likely our next step. It is supposed to encourage regeneration of healthy cells and speed healing, especially in cases of back injuries like this. We will continue communicating with all of our vets and if anyone suggests an MRI or further diagnostics then that is what we will do, no questions asked.

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We did laser theraphy with banks for her back issues (sevre arthitis) and it did make a big difference. best of luck
Im so sorry. I understand the feeling of helplessness and just feeling sick to your stomach when our babies are in pain. I've been there, and it's just so heartbreaking and stressful. I hope your sweet boy will be ok. *big hugs*
Glad to hear that it may be something less severe!

Good luck H! Keep relaxing ;)
Thank you!!

I'll use this post as my update for today:

I slept on the floor with Hudson last night because he's feeling better and didn't want to settle. Luckily he slept through the night without issue with me by his side.

He took his last pain pill at 9 pm and I took him out around 5 am and he was wanting to walk and was no longer shaky or unstable on his feet. He is using his back legs to their full capacity. I am hoping that this is a great sign considering the pain medication should have been about worn off by then. He is on the medications for 2 weeks and is on bed rest for 2 weeks, even if he gets better.

He is wanting to eat, follow me around, and has his personality back. We aren't letting him do anything, but just knowing that his attitude has improved so much is huge for me. I am feeling cautiously optimistic today. The vet said that he could have just had a single episode where he irritated a disk, as he wouldn't be making these strides if he had ruptured one.

It has been suggested that we try some cold laser therapy on him, so that is likely our next step. It is supposed to encourage regeneration of healthy cells and speed healing, especially in cases of back injuries like this. We will continue communicating with all of our vets and if anyone suggests an MRI or further diagnostics then that is what we will do, no questions asked.

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We got up one morning (I don't even remember how long ago) and Gidget couldn't move her back legs. I had played Frisbee with her the day before. Of course, rushed to our vet who immediately sent us to VA Tech. They kept her overnight and by the next day she was OK. I can't remember what tests they did I was just so relieved she was OK. I have a suspicion that we overdid it with the Frisbee and remember feeling very guilty. If we do play Frisbee, it is for a very limited time these days!

Glad you are doing better!
Lord help me with this dog... He has decided he is healed and is taking every opportunity to try to go back to normal life. I am basically having to wear him like a dang scarf to keep him from doing crazy things.

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Awww cute pics. and I'm glad he seems to be getting back to his ole self again. That's great news.
I'm not really allowed to carry him (I have a chronic illness that limits me in all kinds of fun ways, that being one of them) and especially not this much so my boyfriend has been acting as Hudson's chauffeur of sorts to go outside. Hudson is bored and over it and has NO interest in being carried.

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Oh my, he is SO cute!!!
But it does look like he is thinking 'But mom! I feels better, I can walk myselfs! Dis is embarrazing..." :D
I literally love Hudson so much.

Stop giving mommy troubles! [emoji28]
That little tongue!!! He is TOO much!!! I'm so thrilled he's feeling better and is back to his old self. What a trooper.
eeturk, I am so sorry. It is awful to see them distressed in any way. Having him stay under the bed and not want to come out would kill me. If it's any consolation, with people, anyway, something like 95% of herniated discs recede on their own (I had that experience and read a lot about it). Hopefully, he just has a bulge that will settle back in. I hope so much you get good news and that every day he is better.
Here's our (hopefully) final update on this saga. Thank you all for your kind words and encouragement! Mr. Hudson is fully back in action with no lasting issues, so we think it was a soft tissue injury versus IVDD. I sort of gave up on trying to keep him calm and got the go ahead from the vet to let him do his thing. He's been off the painkillers for a few days and is still doing great.

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Here's our (hopefully) final update on this saga. Thank you all for your kind words and encouragement! Mr. Hudson is fully back in action with no lasting issues, so we think it was a soft tissue injury versus IVDD. I sort of gave up on trying to keep him calm and got the go ahead from the vet to let him do his thing. He's been off the painkillers for a few days and is still doing great.

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That is great news! So glad to hear is doing much better. I paid a visit to the emergency room just after midnight last Thursday (well, I guess technically it was Friday). Jax was at daycare all day, my BF picked him up. I went out to a concert and came home around midnight. Jax was laying on the bed and I saw he had an eye booger so I went to wipe it and he yelped so I looked closely and his eye was practically swollen shut. Of course I started to freak out and assume something happened at daycare. After being at the ER for a little over an hour, it turns out it was just conjunctivitis. He was put on eye drops and had to wear a cone.

While I know it is not nearly the same thing as what you went through, I know the feeling of hating to see these guys in pain. I did shed a couple tears before I knew the diagnosis. I immediately thought the worst.

While I do have a human child (17 years old), Jax will forever be my baby and when he is in pain, I am in pain.
Yay Hudson!!! SO happy he's back to his normal self!!

I'm glad that Jax is OK too. I don't have children so it's hard for me to say but I think it's because dogs can't talk so we are constantly guessing as to what could be wrong with them.
Great news! So good to hear Hudson is back to his normal self :happy2:
There are days when one just wishes that these guys cud talk...it's so difficult at times to figure out what's going on.
So happy that all sorted out just fine with Mr Hudson.
Cute pics!!
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