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Behavior problem


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Feb 12, 2016
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My frenchie loves to watch TV, however he jumps, barks, chases and has now come to the point where we cannot watch TV if there is any type of animal on the TV. Not only is this annoying, but there may come a point where he knocks the TV over, he has managed to jump up high enough that he has scratched the entertainment center.

I was thinking now that he is 3 years old of possibly getting a collar not to shock but to vibrate or deter him from doing this?

Any thoughts?
We have the same issue Chance is almost 2 and does this whenever sports are on we have been trying the following
a] spray bottle
b] put on leash and put into a time out
c] still looking for options
Hope you come up with something and if you do please share :yes:
By the way :hiii::peekaboo::welcome: glad you found this site hope we can help or get some advice
Looking forward to reading more about Dante and perhaps a pic or two :yes:
I would put him on a leash and correct him when he does it. Then I would give him an obedience command to to and praise him when he does it, and/ or play with a favorite toy with him and praise him.
Stella does this sometimes too. Fortunately she could never reach the tv. We tell her to leave it and she snaps out of it. It's usually pent up energy that she wants to release so a lot of times I will redirect her with a game of fetch while sitting on the couch. Remember dogs can't do two things at once. Good luck.
Definitely tell him NO, and if that doesn't work, put him on a leash and correct him any time he does that. It won't take long to figure it out.
My frenchie loves to watch TV, however he jumps, barks, chases and has now come to the point where we cannot watch TV if there is any type of animal on the TV. Not only is this annoying, but there may come a point where he knocks the TV over, he has managed to jump up high enough that he has scratched the entertainment center.

I was thinking now that he is 3 years old of possibly getting a collar not to shock but to vibrate or deter him from doing this?

Any thoughts?

We have the same issue Chance is almost 2 and does this whenever sports are on we have been trying the following
a] spray bottle
b] put on leash and put into a time out
c] still looking for options
Hope you come up with something and if you do please share :yes:

Are you using 'Nothing in life is free'.... that in conjunction with the leash will definitely work, but will take lots of time and consistency.
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