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Considering getting Isabelle a friend...


New member
Sep 14, 2014
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We've been looking at French Bulldogs all day yesterday and today.

Found a male we wanted but they sold him this morning before we could get there...

The breeder has 2 girls, and from what I've read/heard/been told you should try to avoid 2 girls with bulldogs/bully breeds, just to prevent more squabbles, but this breeder is telling us it doesn't matter, it's just depending on those 2 specific dogs and how they get along...

This is a huge decision, so any and all opinions are all appreciated! I need all of the help I can get on this! Even conflicting information is welcome! :P

Thanks so much in advance! :)
It does depend on the personality of the dogs and YOU as in being a strong leader. I, personally would avoid two females because it is my preference to based on experience with my Bulldog banks... she just disliked all other dogs especially females. Now, as in humans all dogs are different, but it really depends more on you and your strength as a pack lead and how the pups will respect and obey your commands
Usually male, female get along well together, but we had a female once that hated all dogs. Usually when you bring a pup up with an adult they usually get along well, until the pup gets older and then they will see who is alpha, then once that is established all is well. We have 4 female and one male Franchies and they all get along well together.
I personally like the idea of a male and a female. Works pretty well in our house. Stella can be a little weird around food with Jake but they get along great. Does Isabelle like other dogs in general?
Update: I just read your earlier post about the aggression toward your husband and son that Isabelle has been showing lately. I would get her some training and work with her so she understands that her humans are the leader of the pack, not her. Then if you want to get another puppy I would look for a sweet, submissive male.
Congrats Isabelle you soon will be a big sister and have a play mate - woo who.
What ever you decide will be fine you have the character to get through the challenges and double the love.
Hope you find the right fit for your family - cheers
You are right that they all have their own personalities but I think with a male you would increase your odds of them getting along.
Well we went out and got a puppy.

Literally has my stomach in knots over him!


10 weeks old, 3.3 lbs.

Isabelle isnt mean to him at all, but we can't just let them romp and play yet, he's much too small. He was wimpering and crying and she came and told me about him and ran back over near him haha!

She kept sniffing him while hubby was holding him and he gave her a small "chomp" and she relaxed.

She's responded well with him so far, with us making sure not to treat her differently than we normally do to prevent jealousy.
Well we went out and got a puppy.

Literally has my stomach in knots over him!

View attachment 5218

10 weeks old, 3.3 lbs.

Isabelle isnt mean to him at all, but we can't just let them romp and play yet, he's much too small. He was wimpering and crying and she came and told me about him and ran back over near him haha!

She kept sniffing him while hubby was holding him and he gave her a small "chomp" and she relaxed.

She's responded well with him so far, with us making sure not to treat her differently than we normally do to prevent jealousy.

O MY CUTENESS.... he is too sweet! What is his name?
OMG! Soooooo cuteeee!!! Congrats! Name? And more pictures! Im jealous!

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You got another baby!!! OMG he is tooooo cute for words. Congratulations!
Omg!! What a cutie pie!!! What's his name?

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Oh my goodness!! He is the cutest thing ever. You are so lucky!

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I love him!!!! Congrats!!! It doesn't sound like Isabelle is an aggressive girl so I think they'll end up being best friends. Uma welcomed Wally very easily and we never had any issues of fighting or aggression with toys & food.

What's his name?
Well good news and bad news.

Isabelle LOVES him. She sits guard of his crate/tote. She runs to him everytime he makes a noise.
More good news, no heart murmur, no genetic defects that the vet can see as of yet.
More good news, we named him Titan.

Bad news. He has coccidia. Today is already day 2 of 10 days of meds. Isabelle has to be kept away from him. I've never done so much laundry in my life. But the vet said he's gonna pull through fine. :)

But it's a long 8 more days, for him, us, and isabelle.

After 10 days they both get tested for precautions.
More pics as per request!


And one that Brody took of him without me even knowing so I just love it...

He reminds me of Tallulah's (sorry if I spelled the little cuties name wrong!) story! Tiny little alien puppy. He is much smaller than isabelle was, his waddle is SO hilarious. He talks much more than isabelle has since the day we got her. She's not a talker, but this one is like the frenchies you see online arguing with their humans about going to bed etc. He actually said NOOOO to my husband when he said "oh you be quiet" kidding. Where was the camera when I needed to record!
He looks EXACTLY like bartok the bat from the cartoon movie Anastasia! (Google for pics it's a good laugh)
Oh my gosh! His eyes are sooo cool!! He sounds awesome. Hope he gets better asap!

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