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Dog TV

Quella was voted DogTV's Fan of the Week and they'll be sending her some DogTV swag. Her video that was displayed has over 10,300 views so far. I'm a proud lil mommy.

XoXo from Quella La Roux and her mommy too!

Congrats... Way cool
So, if you have Directv, they're offering DogTV for free until 03/27 on channel 354. I saw the free promo announced while flipping through channels. I've already caught Q watching it a few times. She was laying in the living room and they'd show a child who would say "whose a good dog", "whats your name", "good doggy" and each time they did, her ears would perk up towards the TV and she'd open her eyes wider. Such a riot seeing her react to the TV. She doesn't normally watch TV, but something about DogTV makes her interested.

XoXo from Quella La Roux and her mommy too!
yeah well thats why they have it = money. they figure they will go after the animal lovers and get some money out of them.
I'm not sure what to make of this. I watched it for a few minutes and found myself with an overwhelming urge to rollover and have my tummy scratched! Lol! Where ARE those treats now........oops!
Ha, ha!!! That is the cutest thing. You need to get her a Lazy Boy.

Oh my goodness, she sure is a cutie pie. Cool idea.... however my boyfriend would not approve me leaving the TV on all day for our dogs LOL. They can watch what we watch when we watch but other than that he might have my head. LOL
DogTV is free until May 8th on channel 354 through Directv. They had a beach Frenchie meetup just now. Sooo cute!


XoXo from Quella La Roux and her mommy too!
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