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ear cleaning


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Apr 18, 2015
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now ive always used a combo of vinegar, alcohol and water to clean my pugs ears and the vet used to say how clean there ears were. id simply put a few drops in there ears and message, then they would shake there heads, that was it. thinking it should be the same for a french bulldog but if not let me know.
We used to squirt some solution (store brand) into Bambi ears but she hated it and the outside of her ears would get soaked. I don't like a lot of moisture because that can contribute to the yeast problem. Now, I microwave the bottle for like 6 seconds (make sure to test it on your hand before using it!). Nobody likes cold solution in their ears. I halve a cotton ball and then wet it and put it in her ear (holding on to the end), and get it as far in as it will go and then move it around as much as possible. I do that 3-4 times each ear. It works great and she doesn't mind whatsoever, plus the outside of her ears stay nice and dry. To finish, I do the same thing with a little white vinegar, hydrogen perox. and water, and then use a couple of dry cotton ball strips to get as much of the moisture out as possible. You may have to do it 2-3 times a week, depending on whether or not she scratches her ears. Good luck.
well i was told the vinegar kills the bacteria, the alcohol helps dry everything out, and the water dilutes it some. but all i can find now is vinegar and water solutions, no alcohol added.
Your solution should work fine. The only thing I do for mine is clean them with a non-scented baby wipe when they need it, and if they get real bad I will use an ear cleaning solution, but very seldon ever have to use it.
yeah, figured it has worked for my pugs for years so it should work for her.
Frenchie ears get good air circulation so they usually don't need frequent cleaning. I do Buster's with an unscented baby wipe 3 or 4 times a year.
just thought about that, seeing as the ears are always open and up. they almost look like there saying, Huh ?
I bought a cleaning solution made by Burts and Bees and it works great
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