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European French bulldog vs American french bulldog

Hello everybody , this is very interesting discussion.
Archie here is purely European since he is from Bulgaria, and what i can see from him that he's a bit taller and muscular , with bigger chest and narrow waist. Another thing that I didn't expect from him was that he's not lazy , actualy he's very energetic and he keeps playing ball for 20-30 minutes without getting tired or overheating i think that he can do this all the time ����

Here are some photos he's 7 months old. image.webpimage.webp
My Wally looks to be in the European model. He is taller, has more nose, & is a lot more muscular than other Frenchies in our area. He also weighs 26 Lbs. I can attest to his "dog aggressiveness" . He is now a year & four months old. When we first got him, he got along great with our other dogs (2 small terriers, 3 pugs & a mini pin). As he started to get a little older, he decided he did not like one of the male pugs, & one of the female terriers. These dogs cannot be in the same room, as Wally will do his best to kill either one of them. The Pug is too dumb to back down, & now has scars on both his front legs, where Wally bit him to the bone. Since I am not one to ever "get rid" of a dog, (that`s how we got some of the others) we just keep them separated.


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This thread helped me out a lot! One of my coworkers has a french bulldog and his Frenchie was a bit shorter in height and length. I got Escobar in Spain because I'm currently stationed in Germany. My coworker would always ask me are you sure Escobar if full Frenchie and "I told him he looks like all the other Frenchies I've seen around Europe and both of his parents were French Bulldogs LOL". He is by far in a lot better shape than my coworkers Frenchie and he's also very active he loves to play for hours. Here's a picture of Escobar. Not really a good picture IMG-20170407-WA0012.webp
I have a Frenchie bully rescue who is originally from Russia and she is longer and had all her pups naturally. She can be quite dog agressive - I recently took her to a bully event and she was the worse bulldog out of the 50 there, wanting to fight with the bigger English bulldogs. I also have an English bulldog and they fairly regularly fight in a feral manner and I have to break them up before a lot of blood is shed. So if my case is typical, I would have to agree with FostaMamma.20160714_205636000_iOS.webp

I CANNOT second this. Maple is more than socialable and well -behaved with other dogs. Infact she gets super excited when she sees other dogs and gets to play with them. All of her litter mates are the same (we have occassional meet-ups) and her parents are too.
I am originally from Germany,where the european frenchy is the norm and I have yet to see a frenchy misbehave or hear the rumour that they are dog-aggressive.

But we all have our own experiences ;)
Great video Chiana! A wealth of information... Our French Bulldog Petey is Hungarian, his AKC papers goes back 3 generations to the country of Hungary. He's a very solid 35lb brindle frenchie, sturdy legs, large paws, a very stout torso with large bat ears. He's on the much larger side of this breed, but very gently, friendly and definitely a companion dog. :)
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