Hello everybody , this is very interesting discussion.
Archie here is purely European since he is from Bulgaria, and what i can see from him that he's a bit taller and muscular , with bigger chest and narrow waist. Another thing that I didn't expect from him was that he's not lazy , actualy he's very energetic and he keeps playing ball for 20-30 minutes without getting tired or overheating i think that he can do this all the time ����
Here are some photos he's 7 months old.

Archie here is purely European since he is from Bulgaria, and what i can see from him that he's a bit taller and muscular , with bigger chest and narrow waist. Another thing that I didn't expect from him was that he's not lazy , actualy he's very energetic and he keeps playing ball for 20-30 minutes without getting tired or overheating i think that he can do this all the time ����
Here are some photos he's 7 months old.