I have watched a very interesting documentary the other day.
German breeders and the Vdh (German Kennel Club) said that it is essential for the breeds health to breed back more nose. Not only in French Bulldogs,but also pugs and english bulldogs. When you look at old pictures from of the breed, it was once the standard and they all had a little bit more nose.
Anyway, before you can breed in Germany, you need to get a breeding license for each dog. That includes many health tests that they all have to pass and they now also have to walk 1 km in a certain time without the dog become to exhausted. So if the dog overheats, lays down,starts panting excessively or shows any other symptoms in regards of breathing issues, they fail and wont get licensed.
I support this 100% and love how europeans breed for a longer back(straight spine;less back problems) and more nose (wider nostrils,less breathing issues).