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Found this girl at a pet store. Thoughts?


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Dec 25, 2014
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I found a pretty brindle female Frenchie today at the pet store.


She looks underfed but otherwise healthy.

Would love to get the opinions of you experts.

I know very little about Frenchies and would love to hear what to look out for.

I would stay away from a pet store dog. A reputable breeder would never sell their puppies to a pet store.
Poor baby girl doesn't look very healthy. I hate pet stores, they sell puppy mill dogs, and I hate puppy mills. Those people do not have hearts. You want to just rescue those poor babies, but that just supports puppy mills, so it is a double sided sword.
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Yes I am indeed conflicted. I would love to take her home and fatten her up, but would like to know she is healthy first (beyond being likely malnourished). What kinds of things can I look for?
I can not see the picture since I am at work, but ultimitley it is as David tated, a double edge sword --- you want to save her from that store, but if you do it continues the cycle of puppy mills.
She could end up being a relatively healthy girl down the road, but she could also end up a sick little one too --- weigh your pros/cons of your life style. Frenchies are clowns and a bundle of energy, but also LOVE their humans and enjoy just hanging out after a full on play session. They have lots of potential health issues with breathing as any flat-faced breed does and can have allergies as any other full bred breed.

best of luck with your decision... I would be struggling, as well. I stay away from pet stores for just this reason -- I want to save them all
This is a puppy mill/backyard breeder puppy! By buying it you support it. I know its hard because you want to help the little one but that just makes room for more puppies to be sold there.Imagine if nobody would buy pet store dogs anymore they wouldnt sell them anymore and puppy mills would be closed.
This dog is very likely very sick and will cost you a lot of money and sorrows.

I would stay away from it. However you could always contact the SPCA or an animal rescue and tell them about this sick/underweight pup and they might be able to help.
I honestly would stay away from it. Buying from a pet store just tells them that they can sell these puppies. They will just replace it with another. I wouldn't support them.
This breaks my heart. I hope and dream one day there will be no more pet stores selling puppies from puppy mills. The dogs live in deplorable conditions in small cages. It's awful. We have made a little progress where I live and residents actually ran a pet store out of town with all the protests. Also Russo's is losing their lease which sells puppies at a local mall. I am most likely no help here because I do not believe in purchasing pups from a pet store and do not go in them at all. It's too sad for me. Good luck to you whatever you decide.
I agree with the advice given, but understand how hard it is to walk away from a baby in need.
Things like that absolutely break my heart.

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Oh man. This is exactly why I have to avoid these places. I just want to save them all but it is such a double edged sword.

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I whole heartedly agree with everyone else. I would lose sleep over NOT bringing her home. However, it perpetuates the puppy mills. I feel your pain. If you do decide to rescue her, know that we are here for you!

Anne, Gidget, Olivia & Wilson in VA.
I whole heartedly agree with everyone else. I would lose sleep over NOT bringing her home. However, it perpetuates the puppy mills. I feel your pain. If you do decide to rescue her, know that we are here for you!

Anne, Gidget, Olivia & Wilson in VA.

Agreed! It's a hard decision and I will no longer visit a pet store that sells pups for this reason. If you do decide to rescue her from there, we will be here to support you every step.
I wholeheartedly agree with what everyone has said. I would scoop up and rescue every homeless furry thing I come across if I could. Unfortunately I would advise against taking home that little muffin, as adorable as she is and as much as you want to save her. You'd be supporting puppy mills and the pet store that purchases puppy mill dogs. In all likelihood, you'd take home a puppy that would likely need serious treatment for worms, may have parvo (happened to a friend of mine), and will probably have serious genetic defects. Puppy mill breeders are breeding for money, not for the betterment of the breed. Especially if this would be your first French Bulldog, I would strongly advise against a puppy mill dog and instead purchase one from a reputable breeder. From what I've seen, buying directly from a reputable breeder is actually cheaper or the same price as buying from a pet store.
I don't support pet store purchases but just curious how much they are asking for her? Poor little puppy :(
OK, but on the flipside, if sirstrongbad -- someone who clearly is interested in the breed and, I assume, has true intentions -- doesn't take home the dog, what happens to it? I certainly don't support purchasing a pet from a store like this but they're not going away, as much as we wish they would. I would much rather see someone who will care for the dog take it home, as opposed to someone who will add it into a breeding program. I also wouldn't want to see it put down. We can screech about puppy mills all we want, but they're always going to exist as long as the potential to make money exists.

I know that our breeder got her first experience by getting one from a pet store. They didn't start their breeding program with it, but the husband always wanted one, never saw one before, and they bought it as soon as they saw it. They never had any issues with it and don't regret the experience.

We don't punish kids in orphanages for being there; we shouldn't really punish the puppies for being in pet stores. Let's shut down the mills through legislation, and try to save the dogs we can.
OK, but on the flipside, if sirstrongbad -- someone who clearly is interested in the breed and, I assume, has true intentions -- doesn't take home the dog, what happens to it? I certainly don't support purchasing a pet from a store like this but they're not going away, as much as we wish they would. I would much rather see someone who will care for the dog take it home, as opposed to someone who will add it into a breeding program. I also wouldn't want to see it put down. We can screech about puppy mills all we want, but they're always going to exist as long as the potential to make money exists.

I know that our breeder got her first experience by getting one from a pet store. They didn't start their breeding program with it, but the husband always wanted one, never saw one before, and they bought it as soon as they saw it. They never had any issues with it and don't regret the experience.

We don't punish kids in orphanages for being there; we shouldn't really punish the puppies for being in pet stores. Let's shut down the mills through legislation, and try to save the dogs we can.

What happens to it? Someone else will buy it, simply put. Pet stores won't put down puppies. They paid too much for them and will just traffic them around to different stores until they are purchased. Your breeder had what I would consider a rare experience - buying a pet store dog that doesn't have any issues. Yes, some issues can be corrected, but most cannot. French Bulldog can be difficult enough when bred properly... but purchasing a puppy that was taken from its mother way too soon, came from uncared for and badly bred parents, and has been sitting in a plastic box with no socialization is just asking for trouble. My Bisou is my first Frenchie, and I can't imagine dealing with all the problems a puppy mill dog has on top of the typical breed personality and health issues.

No person in their right mind would purchase a pet store dog and introduce it into a breeding program. On top of obvious health problems, pet store Frenchies I've seen go for $4000, which is more than what you can purchase a well-bred puppy for from an actual breeder. Pet stores and puppy mills will go away if enough people stop purchasing. Giving in and purchasing one because "someone should" is just supporting the circle.

Comparing puppy mill dogs in pet stores to orphan children is just silly. No one breeds human children specifically to sell in orphanages. They are there because their parents died, etc. The real comparison there is shelter dogs - which I 100% support.
OK, buh-bye FBN. It's been nice knowing y'all. Keep in touch on FB. And remember to stay positive and be good to one another. Kind words will take you far in life. Have a good new year!
OK, buh-bye FBN. It's been nice knowing y'all. Keep in touch on FB. And remember to stay positive and be good to one another. Kind words will take you far in life. Have a good new year!

Don't leave! I agree we should support ALL who come here regardless of where their puppy comes from. We can only help by sharing information but in the end each of us are individuals and have our own ideas. I agree. Ultimately it's the OP's choice with the information provided, and I support their decision either way because it will be their baby. So please, stay!
OK, buh-bye FBN. It's been nice knowing y'all. Keep in touch on FB. And remember to stay positive and be good to one another. Kind words will take you far in life. Have a good new year!

Kim, we will certainly miss you and Bisou if you leave. The thing is, we don't all agree on everything, never will, and if we did that is a sign that nobody is thinking for themselves. I hope you stay on FBN!
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