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Help . Suddenly having trouble moving back legs


New member
Feb 8, 2018
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So my 4 yr old has been normal until last week after day at park. Woke up in pain and was having trouble moving his back legs. Took him to vet and did xrays. They said a disc is sticking out and inflammation hitting the nerves to his legs. So they they gave him muscle relaxer pain meds and anti inflammatory. Said to rest him for 2 weeks and recheck. If he's not better than surgery. Anyone out there been through this.
I personally haven't had a dog with this problem, but I have seen dogs with this issue. Poor baby. I hope he responds to the meds. We hate to see our sweeties in pain. Please keep us updated.
I responded to your personal message. I have been through this. Let me know if you have any questions after you read my message.

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Going through this right now! Woke up 3 weeks ago with no movement in hind legs, also ended up being a disc issue. We opted to try rest and a steroid (Prednisone). We combined with a muscle relaxer (methacarbomal) and a pain reliever. Was told to give it 24 hours, then when he didn’t get worse, check in after a week. He’s continued to heal and while he’s supposed to still be on full bed rest, it’s hard to keep him down! Back legs still seem a bit clumsy but he’s essentially back to normal- after 3 weeks.

I’d suggest making sure he’s on a steady steroid and muscle relaxer to help with back spasms. Be really strict on crate rest and carry him out to potty, hold him up while going, and carry back to crate. We were super vigilant in doing this and are so grateful we’ve evaded a costly surgery!

Good luck!!!
Sending lots of healing prayers and positive thoughts
I'm so sorry your boy is going through this. Sending vibes for speedy healing!
My frenchie went through this, they gave him steroids and a lot of rest. Also got a Assisi loop and I use to use it twice a day when he was healing but now I use it every other day or third day and he is fine right now. Hopefully he gets better!
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