He definitely looks like a full Frenchie, just a little longer than the average.
That’s so cute!! I love it when they do that.
What Rusty knows he is going for a bath, he knows and when I take him upstairs to bath him, he runs into my moms office in the spare room where the other 2 dogs crates are(his is in my bedroom beside my bed, the other 2 crates are too big).
if I say Rusty are you having a bath today? And we go upstairs(I carry him), and he runs into 1 of the 2 other crates and goes to the back and rolls on his back thinking, I’m not coming out for a bath and you have to climb in here(which I actually have to go into the back of the crate to reach him).
He usually goes to the very back with the blanket but he pulled it all to the front to curl up in, such funny dogs.
Rusty never is on the bed unless he wants to lay down but I am watching and at the end the entire time.
He thinks he can fly sometimes I think, the other day he wanted to go up on the bed and see my mom, he rarely goes on the bed though, anyway he went to literally WALK off the side of the bed! He seriously could have gotten hurt, broke a leg or back by doing that if I didn’t catch him. That’s why he is rarely on the bed, I would love for him to sleep in my bed but I worry about little things like that, he is much safer in the pent house cozy crate(just like Petey’s I see

, spoiled dogs with the blankets and cozy beds!).
I can’t believe he has no fear though, especially to try to just walk off the bed
These Frenchies sure have quite the personalities, they kind of like clowns my vet calls them(the vet that has Frenchies), which they sure are and want to be the center of attention.
And OMG he has done the funniest things lately, Rusty LOVES squeaky balls, they are his favourite! My dad says when we are out we will get him a pack of squeaky balls, Rusty heard that, then the next day my dad came home with a pack and pretended he didn’t have them, they were on the counter, Rusty sniffed them out, no one said anything. My dad fell asleep in his chair, Rusty goes up to him after sniffing around the counter and he starts screaming and barking at dad(we say grandpa for Rusty), and he finally got up and Rusty walked over to where the ballad are, how he woke dad up cause he knew.
He did the same thing when I was working the other day, screamed and barked at dad while he was sitting down, dad got up and Rusty ran to the cupboard

that’s funny.
Then he gets the ball and comes over and kicks it Under the couch and table and barks at me, it’s like a game to him, get the ball from under the couch!
I attached the photos of him
In the other dog crate and then what he does when he puts the ball under the couch, so funny!
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