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Look at my poor baby.....

How did his scan go? [MENTION=1504]WeeDex[/MENTION]

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Thanks so much for asking. I think we posted at the same time! Hopefully you can see my update below :)
Hi everyone,

So, yesterday Dexter was at the specialists for the day. When I took him in it was the first time they had seen him, and after a good look over him the vet said he wanted to do two different scans on him - one standard CT, and one where they introduce dye into the lump and his veins and check to see where the blood is flowing. This meant he needed to be heavily sedated, but I said just do whatever you think you need to do for him. He'd also been throwing up all morning with hunger, so they were giving him some reflux medicine before they could sedate him. So I left him for the day, thinking that I was the one who could have been sick with worry!

Anyway, back to get him at 5pm. He has a 2cm mass sitting under a muscle in his head. The vet explained that it doesn't have a blood supply, so unlikely that it's a tumour. But he won't know what it is for sure until it's out and has been analysed. The lump on his head that we can see isn't the mass, it's an escape route for some nasty brown liquid stuff this thing is producing. The vet said he's really surprised it isn't making him noticeably sick, but as we all know dogs are very good at hiding any sort of illness or pain.

He's scheduled to have it removed by them on the 26th May. He should get home the same day, but they may keep him overnight depending on how it goes on the day. They were all just so good, and so friendly that I know they will do the best they can for him. The poor little guy - he's constantly had something wrong with him since we got him, but I'm really hoping that this will go well, he'll recover quickly and he won't need to see a vet again for a long time!

Thank you for all your kind wishes, and I'll keep the thread updated so you can hear how he gets on. The two week wait starts again now......

Oh gosh that's so weird! And the liquid escape route is gross sounding to say the least. What the heck!

But it's an answer and ~hopefully~ a solution once this is all said and done!

I know how you feel with something being wrong since you got him! It's so stressful!
Poor little Dex!!!! I sure hope he's not in too much pain. I'm glad that it's not likely a tumour!!!

He will do fine in surgery!! Try not to worry too much!! I will be thinking of him on the 26th!
Oh gosh that's so weird! And the liquid escape route is gross sounding to say the least. What the heck!

But it's an answer and ~hopefully~ a solution once this is all said and done!

I know how you feel with something being wrong since you got him! It's so stressful!

Yeah it really is gross...... But like you say, I'm pleased that we know there's something in there and it can come out. I'm really glad the scans worked and found the problem, as it was always a risk they would show up nothing. So it's definitely a positive out of a negative :-)
Poor little Dex!!!! I sure hope he's not in too much pain. I'm glad that it's not likely a tumour!!!

He will do fine in surgery!! Try not to worry too much!! I will be thinking of him on the 26th!

Thank you! It's funny because I kept thinking about the vet saying "I'm surprised it's not making him unwell" all night once he was home - it was rattling around in my head. Couldn't stop thinking that he's been feeling unwell since November. But there's nothing I can do until he's had it removed, so I have made myself stop thinking about it! Let's just get the thing out of his head and go forward from there :)
Oh my goodness!! More waiting! Well its good that its not a tumor!! And hopefully the next time he goes in its done for good
Oh my goodness!! More waiting! Well its good that its not a tumor!! And hopefully the next time he goes in its done for good

I know.....wait, wait, wait....... Drives me crazy! I kind of wish they could have just done it there and then. But it has given us some time to prepare. His head was the hardest part to heal up, and he needed watched 24/7 for a few days, so we've arranged some holiday time so that we can both take turns at looking after him. I was exhausted from it the last time so this will work out better I'm sure.
Thank you for the update. We are sending good vibes for Dexter's surgery on the 26th and a super speedy recovery! :heart:
He's through the surgery and recovering - phew....... He got on fine, and they managed to remove the "thing" completely which is great. It has been sent off for analysis, but the vet thinks it has been a cyst around a sinus tract and shouldn't cause problems in the future. I'll hear by the end of the week though.

He has a 5cm scar running down his head, so we need to be very careful it doesn't split or become infected. We're taking turns sleeping beside him so he doesn't try and itch it or anything in the middle of the night. Of course he worked out quickly that lying on his back lets him rub his head on the inside of the cone.... They're just too smart sometimes!

I'll update with the results of the lump when I get them. Here's a pic of him with his shaved head. The skin spots are so cute when you see them bald like that! :-)

Poor little guy! [emoji22] Hope he gets better soon.

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Awee poor little buddy. Keep us posted!! Lots of cuddles for him I bet.

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Poor fat head Dex! I just want to hug him and kiss his fat cheeks!

That's too funny he's already figured out a way to itch his itchies! You have a run for your money until he gets the all clear! Haha!

I'm glad they completely removed it and that they think it was just gunky annoying stuff and not anything bad once they were in there and could really see what was going on!

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SO great to hear his surgery went well!!! The poor baby is back in a cone but hopefully not for long!! Rest up, little Dex!

They ARE smart with cones. When Uma had a hard cone she would use it as a weapon. I had so many bruises on my legs from it. Soft cones from now on!
Thanks so much for all your kind thoughts :-)

So I guess I tempted fate with my update......

He was doing really well until Sunday night. And I noticed he'd been really sleepy all afternoon so I kept a good eye on him. By 0930 Monday morning he still wasn't really wanting to get up and didn't want his breakfast, so I knew there was something wrong. I took his cone off to get a good look at him, and his ears were so infected I couldn't believe it. The right one wasn't nice, but the left one - near his scar - was horrendous. So emergency trip to the vet. She couldnt even get her piece of kit into his ear to look at the left one, and it was inflamed, bleeding and so nasty. She also noticed that a shaved bit of skin where he'd had a drip or something was right on the verge of becoming infected. Thankfully, the scar was fine and healing well, which was my real worry.

So back home with more drops and pills for him. The cone has to stay off from now on to let the air circulate round his head, so he is now ten times harder to look after as he has access to his ears and scar. He's more like himself this morning, but the last two days he's been a sad little guy. I've to take him back on Monday for another check up just to make sure it's still looking ok. Recovery is never straight forward!
SO great to hear his surgery went well!!! The poor baby is back in a cone but hopefully not for long!! Rest up, little Dex!

They ARE smart with cones. When Uma had a hard cone she would use it as a weapon. I had so many bruises on my legs from it. Soft cones from now on!

Isn't it amazing how they learn fast that if they bash it off your legs, they get attention! Even with the comfy cone he was assaulting me! They are definitely far better than the plastic ones though. Having the ability to fold it back so he can eat and drink properly makes everyone's life easier!
Thanks so much for all your kind thoughts :-)

So I guess I tempted fate with my update......

He was doing really well until Sunday night. And I noticed he'd been really sleepy all afternoon so I kept a good eye on him. By 0930 Monday morning he still wasn't really wanting to get up and didn't want his breakfast, so I knew there was something wrong. I took his cone off to get a good look at him, and his ears were so infected I couldn't believe it. The right one wasn't nice, but the left one - near his scar - was horrendous. So emergency trip to the vet. She couldnt even get her piece of kit into his ear to look at the left one, and it was inflamed, bleeding and so nasty. She also noticed that a shaved bit of skin where he'd had a drip or something was right on the verge of becoming infected. Thankfully, the scar was fine and healing well, which was my real worry.

So back home with more drops and pills for him. The cone has to stay off from now on to let the air circulate round his head, so he is now ten times harder to look after as he has access to his ears and scar. He's more like himself this morning, but the last two days he's been a sad little guy. I've to take him back on Monday for another check up just to make sure it's still looking ok. Recovery is never straight forward!

Oh no! So glad you caught it in time but that infection really spread!

Rest up, little Dex! You'll be in top notch form in no time!
Oh goodness! Double ear infections! Yikes! Poor baby! Dex you are having such a rough time dude!

Sending my well wishes! Glad you checked him out and his big incision wasn't a culprit!

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Thanks so much for all your kind thoughts :-)

So I guess I tempted fate with my update......

He was doing really well until Sunday night. And I noticed he'd been really sleepy all afternoon so I kept a good eye on him. By 0930 Monday morning he still wasn't really wanting to get up and didn't want his breakfast, so I knew there was something wrong. I took his cone off to get a good look at him, and his ears were so infected I couldn't believe it. The right one wasn't nice, but the left one - near his scar - was horrendous. So emergency trip to the vet. She couldnt even get her piece of kit into his ear to look at the left one, and it was inflamed, bleeding and so nasty. She also noticed that a shaved bit of skin where he'd had a drip or something was right on the verge of becoming infected. Thankfully, the scar was fine and healing well, which was my real worry.

So back home with more drops and pills for him. The cone has to stay off from now on to let the air circulate round his head, so he is now ten times harder to look after as he has access to his ears and scar. He's more like himself this morning, but the last two days he's been a sad little guy. I've to take him back on Monday for another check up just to make sure it's still looking ok. Recovery is never straight forward!

Poor buddy! hope he heals up quick
Oh my goodness!! One thing after another hey! Hope he's doing okay now

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Much better news today! He was really back to himself yesterday. His ears look great, and the skin on his neck has definitely calmed right down and the inflammation is gone.

I also spoke with the vet last night, as the pathology lab had come back. It was a contained sinus tract cyst, and removed intact - yay! There is no reason to think it will ever bother him again, but good we removed it fast as it wasnt nice stuff in there. Just shows it really pays to get these lumps checked out. Huge relief!!!

I'm taking him for a check up on Monday, but his head is healing really well so I think it'll just be a quick trip this time.

Thanks so much for all your kind words and thoughts. Dexter says thanks too :)

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