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Aug 19, 2013
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As if Jax swallowing a stupid bone wasn't enough to freak me out, I think he has a melanocytic tumor. Below is a picture of it and it looks just like the pictures found on the internet. Does anyone have any experience with this? Jax has an appointment on November 17 with his dermatologist so I was planning on having it looked at then. Is that too long to wait?



Sleepless in Seattle
Oh no! I don't have personal experience with this but I would definitely watch it and if it appears to be growing/changing I would take him in before the 17th. Hope it turns out to be nothing. Good luck.
Based on what I am reading online, it sounds like most melanocytic tumors are benign if it is on the hairy part of a dog/cat, which it is. I did call the vet's office and they said unless it grows/changes, I can wait until his appointment.
Citty -- the pictures are too small to really see it..... can you get a closer shot?
Citty -- the pictures are too small to really see it..... can you get a closer shot?

Let's see if this is better. I had my son take the pictures so if they are still small, I'll have to take more when I get home.

Lump 1.webpLump 2.webp
I agree that if it doesn't get any bigger or change shape, etc it can wait until the appointment. I'm sure it will be fine. :)
Oh no! Poor Jax :( but agreed, if it doesn't have any sudden changes you should be ok to wait for the scheduled appointment.
I have no experience in this kind of matters, but based on web search since the lesions are mainly benign, surgical excision is completely curative. That is encouraging.
Ruggles had a similar lump near his penis. We had it removed and it was benign.
I agree, Just keep an eye on it. Looks almost like it is filled with something- like blood.
Jax's appointment is tomorrow morning so let's hope all goes well. The vet's office told me not to feed him in case the doctor lasers it off. I'm so nervous!
Good luck with the appointment. I hope it turns out to be nothing or maximum something that the laser will treat for good :heart:
Good luck with the appointment today! Thinking about you guys!
So Jax had his appointment this morning and no cancer...yay! And what a relief. The bumps are skin tags and he had two on his chest/neck area and they both got removed by laser. He also has a small one on his lip that won't need to be removed unless it gets too big where it is getting in the way and getting bumped, causing bleeding. The vet said he can potentially get more but I'll worry about that when the time comes.
Good to hear!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That must be a good feeling, like a weight off your shoulders! Happy day!
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