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my dog is very sick, help


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May 22, 2014
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I hate that this is my first post but I am at my wits end.

a few weeks back my frenchy, Bea, started having these very intense reverse sneezing fits. I took her to the vet and they could not find anything wrong other than what looked like a respitory issue on her xray. Assuming it was an infection they put her on anti biotics and a steriod.

a few days later, she started to ahow signs of improvement, until the evening when she would drink water, then about 20 minutes later she would start another fit of reverse sneezing and then regurgitate 3 piles. One looked like foamy mucus, the next partially digested food, and the last being very much digested food. The vet said just stick to the meds.

After several days of this and then notising she was not eating normal I took her to the emergency vet. She was dehydrated and they said other than that she seemed fine. They put her on some meds to coat her stomach and throat and told me to put some pepcid ac in with her food.

for a few days she started to eat and drink again (chicken, rice, and cottage cheese) but once the coating meds ran out she stopped eating and drinking again. The vomiting had stopped after the trip to the emergency vet.

as this is all going on she kept trying to stand behind the toilet, or stand in a corner and face the wall, had no interest in me or cuddling (which she lived for), and shivering when she breaths in when she is awake.

when the vomiting came back, and the 3rd trip to the vet for this issue still produced no answers, and she has barely even looked at her food or water in 4 days, I dont know what is left to do. Im afraid I'm at the point where I am ready to put her down.

if there is anyone who knows what could be causing this, I beg you help me.

She was a rescue, and she is about 7 years old now. Ive had her for 4 years in august and she has been in perfect health until this all started. Nothing in her diet has changed, the arrival of a new pet to the house only happened several months before this (a cat) and a few weeks after it started (a second cat). My dog pays the cats no mind and doesnt bother them. Please help. Please.
So sorry you are going through all this, it sounds terrible!

Have they done any xrays or ultrasounds to check her inside? Hiding and shivering sounds like she could be in pain. Alos, I had a Bulldog that was on the stomach coating meds and when we did not use them he would vomit, it turned out he was allergic to rice -- I am not saying that is your issue, but it could be possible. Other than chicken/rice, what else have you fed? May be try beef and egg noodles and see if it helps.

I am also wondering if your Frenchie is allergic to the cats.... it is possible.

I tagged a few other members that might be able to help
So sorry you are going through all this, it sounds terrible!

Have they done any xrays or ultrasounds to check her inside? Hiding and shivering sounds like she could be in pain. Alos, I had a Bulldog that was on the stomach coating meds and when we did not use them he would vomit, it turned out he was allergic to rice -- I am not saying that is your issue, but it could be possible. Other than chicken/rice, what else have you fed? May be try beef and egg noodles and see if it helps.

I am also wondering if your Frenchie is allergic to the cats.... it is possible.

I tagged a few other members that might be able to help

She had an xray that showed some bronchial issues, but her white blood cell count was fine. She was on anti biotics for almost 2 weeks with no real improvement.

Her normal food is Beyond One. When I got her I read that frenchies can have issues with corn filler in thier food, and Beyond One was the only common dog food I could find that had rice as it filler and mostly protein sources for the first 5 ingredients. She has eaten this almost exclusively for nearly 4 years now. I am going to the vet tomorrow and hoping to have an allergy panel done as well.

as for the cats, the last place we lived in had two cats. One of which played with my dog quite a bit. Lived there for a year and a half with no issues.

thank you for the help as well.
She could be allergic to the rice (grain). Please keep us posted on what the vet finds out. Poor girl. Is your vet VERY familiar with this breed? How about the rescue you got her from, maybe they can be of help too. This does not sound like something that needs to be so drastic as to put her down.... there is something going on either with her food and/or environment. She may not have been allergic to the two other cats, but every cat will be different and there is a possibility she could be allergic to these 2 new cats...... does she have access to the cat food and/or litter box? Maybe she ate something there that is making her sick.

I pray you find answers very soon to help little Bea!!
She could be allergic to the rice (grain). Please keep us posted on what the vet finds out. Poor girl. Is your vet VERY familiar with this breed? How about the rescue you got her from, maybe they can be of help too. This does not sound like something that needs to be so drastic as to put her down.... there is something going on either with her food and/or environment. She may not have been allergic to the two other cats, but every cat will be different and there is a possibility she could be allergic to these 2 new cats...... does she have access to the cat food and/or litter box? Maybe she ate something there that is making her sick.

I pray you find answers very soon to help little Bea!!

I am really hoping it is just an allergy thing. I spoke with my mother about it, and she really feels that is what it is and told me to get her some Zyrtec. She does not have access to the kitty litter box (She did at the last house, and it was a huge problem with her getting in to it when I didn't want her to, she can be very sneaky). I am really hoping I can find an answer. I just don't want to watch her waste away and be miserable.
sounding more like a food/grain allergy...... look for a grain free food, it is worth a try. We feed Fromm Grain free... pork and peas, beef frittata and lamb/lentil (i like to switcg flavors) and the love all 3. With the Fromm line you can switch between flavors without a transition... or find one that works and stick with it

Please keep us posted and will continue to send prayers your way
I'm wondering if she is allergic to the cats. If your mom would take the cats for a week or two to see if she clears up, that will tell you if that's it. I would also get another vet, as the one you are taking her too doesn't seem like they want to find out what the problem is. So sorry your baby is going through this and I hope you figure it out soon.
I also recommend a fresh perspective with a new veterinarian.

Sending warm wishes your way...
Where are you located? We have a vet here in Northern California who specializes in bulldogs and people drive hours to see him. Worth a try for you to find a vet veeerrryy familiar with this breed since they can be so tricky.

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There is oneone to take the cats. They belong to my roommate. As for my dog, only person I know of that could possibly take her is my grandmother, but she is......eccentric we will say, so id still be very worried.

I live in Raleigh nc, so good ways away from cali.

took her to the vet today. Still no answers. Cant get an allergy test for another 2 weeks because of the steroids she was on. She has barely been able to walk. More of a drunken stumble. Ive gotten her to eat a little bit and cutting rice from her diet. Vet gave her an enema as she was really backed up. She also has kind of been writhing around making this low grown sound that is utterly heart breaking. She will end up on her back and the freak out because she cant get turned back around.
Can you go to another vet ? I m concerned why this vet is not keeping her for fluids and monitoring? Could she have a blockage ?

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Bea breathing issues: http://youtu.be/qjalDBJaSE8

I m going to call a new vet on tuesday and see if Ican schedule something. I got a video of some ofwhat she is doing. The vet was telling me it looked like a seizure, but it looks more like she cant breath to me.
From what I've read, I think it may be an elongated soft palette. She's definitely struggling for breath.

It would explain the sneezing fits and regurgitation.

This does look like seizure to me, but I've only seen videos and once when my girl put a desert road in her mouth. Also I am wondering too if she doesn't have a blockage, as her symptoms are certainly giving that impression, and that can cause seizure as well.

I have a couple friends I will tag in this thread.

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That's the first thing I thought of is a blockage. I can't remember who it was that messaged me about their dog throwing up, falling down and having small type seizures and it ended up being a blockage. Definitely have them test for some sort of blockage. All the symptoms fit.
I dont think it is a blockage as she was having normal bowel movements until she stopped eating. The vet gave her an enema yesterday to evacuate her colon of poop she hadnt taken care of herself due to being dehydrated. One of the meds I have is a stool softener. Also even with the appitite stemulant, she did not touch the boiled chicken I have her last night. I can tell she walked around a little bit last night but did little else than pee a little bit.
Yes. My Betsy had a blockage. Everything was fine except for the vomiting. And sometimes she would have seizure like responses after the vomiting. At first I thought it was a seizure condition but all of a sudden, it clicked: Blockage. Even my vet questioned why. But I was insistent and sure enough it was
I dont think it is a blockage as she was having normal bowel movements until she stopped eating. The vet gave her an enema yesterday to evacuate her colon of poop she hadnt taken care of herself due to being dehydrated. One of the meds I have is a stool softener. Also even with the appitite stemulant, she did not touch the boiled chicken I have her last night. I can tell she walked around a little bit last night but did little else than pee a little bit.

That's the thing, they stop eating as soon as they have the blockage or swallow something. It could pass on its own but most times they don't. If you had xrays and nothing showed, anything soft or not dense will not show in the Xray. My girl had a rubber gromit thing in her for god only knows how long..... she was so sick for weeks and was sneezing uncontrollably, not reverse sneeze, just sneezing..... Xrays showed normal bowel filling and everything. Finally one day I called them and said "Schedule a surgery, you care cutting her open TODAY or she is going to DIE!!!!! And you ARE going to find out what is wrong with her!!!! I knew in my gut it was a blockage. Sure enough, they found this:

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