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Overnight potty question


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Dec 9, 2015
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Shaka is now going on 4 months. He has done very well with potty training with the X-pen BTW. Thanks for that advice! Hardly any accidents anymore.

I would like to eventually get rid of the play pen fencing attached to his crate so he's not so confined and just lay down a puppy pad next to it. He sometimes tends to step in his poop, not on purpose and I'm sure being so confined has a bit to do with it. What I'm afraid of is at night.

At what age was your dog able to hold his potty all night?
Our Olive started holding all night at the ripe old age of 5 1/2 months. It happened all of a sudden. Like turning off a switch!

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We have a pet door so going potty is available at all times. Most dogs can make it 7-8 hours at 6 mos!
Good to know guys! I cannot remember when Banksy started being able to hold it all night. Im very excited for aiko to be able to!
Hi, at 4 month you are asking way to much from your Frenchie to hold the whole night. Remember at 4 month they can hold it for 5 hours if the right circumstances are there. The confined space does actually help your Frenchie with learning on how to hold it...

Some tips might be here at 4 months of age BEFORE sleeping time

* Cut of the water 2 hours before it is sleeping time
*make sure to go out one more time with him to pee and maybe poo before sleeping time
* Set your alarm clock to wake up after 4 hours, and bring him to pee ''It takes most of the time only 5 min'' and than you can go back sleeping..I was living before in a high rising so I used pee pads during the night. When i woke up in the night I just took out my Bushido and put him on the Pee pad, after 3 to 4 times he knew what needed to be done..
* Remember more you help your Frenchie wie potty during the day and night..Quicker they will learn it and you will have much quicker great results

I wrote as well an article about it here How To Potty Train Your French Bulldog Puppy - French Bulldog Buzz
I'm not asking him for anything at 4 months. I don't expect him to be able to hold it all night right now, hence the question I asked.

I was just trying to get a feel of what others have experienced.
We got Jax when he was about 11 weeks and he slept in the kitchen in an Xpen. I would put pee pads in with him and after a week, the pads would be dry and he would just rip them up. He use to wake up around 5-530 am and need to go out. So then I stopped putting pee pads in with him and never had any issues.
I'm not asking him for anything at 4 months. I don't expect him to be able to hold it all night right now, hence the question I asked.

I was just trying to get a feel of what others have experienced.

Well I'm really sorry if you feel offended, I did not mean it this way!! I actually just mean it in a nice and sincere way :) Sorry
We got Jax when he was about 11 weeks and he slept in the kitchen in an Xpen. I would put pee pads in with him and after a week, the pads would be dry and he would just rip them up. He use to wake up around 5-530 am and need to go out. So then I stopped putting pee pads in with him and never had any issues.

That's probably a good way to guage whether he can hold it all night. Right now he has some pee spots on his pad in the AM.
Usually around 6 month of age they can go all night without going potty, but some are different. Never restrict water from them, a pup needs their food and water. We crate train ours. When they are around 5 months old we take the X-pin down and they stay in their crates. We also put the "Licks-it" bottles in their crates so they can have water anytime they wish. We even put the bottles on the crates of our adults too.
We would put Dexter out at 11pm, and at almost 6 months he was able to sleep through until around 6am. He sleeps in his crate all night.

I have never withheld water, as I really believe that if a dog is thirsty it should drink. I had, and still have, a water bottle on his crate and its there 24/7.
I think Wally was about 5 months old when he was able to hold it through the night.
I did not read all the posts, so apologies if this is a dup..... a good guideline is 1 hour more than they are months old, so at around 6/7 months they should be holding through the night, depending on when you last take them out before bedtime.

Cheli was a real bugger for potty training took us 2 gull yrs to get him on the program. Our Bulldog, Lambeau, came home at 9 weeks and his last out was 11:30 PM and he slept through the night to 5 AM (talk about lucky)
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