I was at the dog park yesterday and Radar was playing rough with another dog. Actually the other dog had Radar on his back totally submissive, which is his go to position. "Nothing to see here, can we play now?" Another dog owner who proports to love Frenchies and has one in the family pushed the other dog away saying that she knows frenchies and they get mean and will bite if pushed too far. I didn't mind the breaking up the play, it was too rough for my comfort but I did not appreciate the comment. Radar is the most passive/ friendly dog I have ever owned. He has never bitten anyone or anything even in self defense, when he should have. Kind of pissed me off.
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I can definitely understand being ticked about someone saying that dogs "are mean".
Even pitbulls, if you know dogs... You can read submissive/aggressive play.
And anyone taking their dog to a DOG PARK should definitely be able to read the differences, and warning signs of a dog growing wary of another.
No need to come over and put someone elses dog down, just remove yours, and be on your way. Why bother even saying anything? Especially an unnecessary comment.
BUT - any breed of dog being "pushed too far" can bite.
And they would most likely be growling, nipping, or snarling beforehand.
Your little guy was probably grumbling inside "what a dummy..."
And people with frenchies 9 times out of 10 train them, and work with them. They cost too much to be horribly behaved and cause their owners trouble (I know that's why I work so hard with Isabelle...) Not saying some aren't more temperamental, but I've actually never seen a mean frenchie... Pugs, yes. Frenchies/Bostons? No. Not yet, anyway.
Ah, again, the ignorance... :facepalm: