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Oversteppin the bounds

I had someone tell me that little terrier was "the ugliest dog I've ever seen" before. How can anyone with 1/2 a brain think it's ok to say that to someone?
man... try walking around LA around hipsters who think they are the dog whispers. Some lady called chowder a Chihuahua yesterday, my girlfirend was pretty pissed. hahha most people usually ask, but maybe its because i have a shaved head and dont look like the nicest guy on the block (it helps a bit, but i lose all character when i see another frenchie) :) hahhaha
I kinda go crazy when I see another FB! I just love the breed! I wish I could have one in every color.
I have never had anyone try and pick mine up however. I have had lots of "oh look at the pug" and sometimes I find kids need some simple instructions on approaching a dog. Fortunately both Jake and Stella love people and get out and about almost everyday.
My pet peeve is when someone gives him a treat with out asking if they asked i could say he has aIIergies if you want to give him something please give him one of these and offer up a treat from his treat bag attached to his Iead
He was once caIIed a miniature boxer there is no such thing, as I would definitely of had one so that did not upset me in the Ieast Have been asked the price and usuaIIy reply with a Iot but the upkeep is even more this filters out most and if they are serious and polite I have no qualms in teIIing them
Frenchies seem to be weII recognized in my area
As cute as Boston Terriers are? I get kind of annoyed when people say "oh I had a Boston" like "she's not a Boston, she's a frenchie" and they always look dumbfounded that they were wrong.

The price question? I normally say "a lot."
I also just mention that we drove to MI to purchase her. It (most of the time) deters people from asking a specific price.

Then people think we're rich since I carry a faux Chanel purse, I have my expensive FB & I have my little boy with me. And my husband drives a Shelby... Oy [emoji30] not to mention we both have the iPhone 5S...

I don't mind being asked, but it is a bit rude when people ask and then respond with a smart remark. Like, don't ask me then? Or if you "already knew" how much they generally cost why bother asking me?

I also get extremely annoyed that Isa has A PINK HARNESS and a dog bone with PINK STONES and I hear "how old is HE?" Or "Look how cute HE is!"

How dense are some people?

Luckily I've never had anyone actually try to pick Isabelle up, not even at the hotel or on the boardwalk in VA beach.

I probably would have lost my cool.

I know puppies are fun and cute and easy to grab? But these dogs cost a pretty penny, I'd rather Isabelle not fall 5ft to the ground...
I had someone tell me that little terrier was "the ugliest dog I've ever seen" before. How can anyone with 1/2 a brain think it's ok to say that to someone?

I hate that.



Then don't look, talk to, or pet my dog since it's so "ugly" [emoji19]

I almost wanted to slap a lady at PetSmart who said that to me.

She had a Corgi mix puppy who was a doll and I adored. She asked who I was buying the toys for, so I showed her a picture.

She then proceeded to tell me how she hates breeders, would never buy a dog from a breeder, and her life story on how she rescues dogs.

Oh well sorry I don't go around telling everyone that my son was attacked by a Pitbull so I don't trust rescues anymore, but my only dog growing up for 15 years was a rescue.

The ignorance... [emoji25]
A lot of people are so incredibly ignorant and I fear it's getting worse.

I would have been pissed if someone tried to pick up Wally. No one ever does because a) he's crazy and it seems to throw people off and b) he's 30lbs. Good luck with that.

When I just had Uma everyone called her a boy. I don't like pink so she always had neutral coloured collars so it never bothered me. When people ask if her and Wally are pugs (happens more times than I ever thought possible) I just figure they are not dog people and don't know any better. I know my dogs look a lot alike so I don't care if someone thinks they are both Bostons or both Frenchies. Unless you have owned one or the other it's easy to mix them up. When people ask me how much he costs I say 'not much and is worth every penny'. Aka, none of your business.

However, I get extremely pissed at those self righteous people who insist on berating anyone who doesn't own a rescue. I have my reasons as to why I got my dogs from a breeder and none of those reasons are anyone else's business but mine. I have no desire to explain my actions to complete strangers.

The ugly comments come from people who either don't know any better or those that do and love to be an ***. My reply is 'he's a hell of a lot cuter than you'. As you can see, I don't care much for rudeness and I have no time for it.

As the saying goes 'The more people I meet the more I love my dogs'. :D No wonder I'm a hermit. lol!
Q and I went to Raising Canes for some good 'ol chicken fingers. As naughty as it is, this is the only time she can get out of her seat and come sit on my lap. One of the employees turned in to a screaming school girl. Mind you, he was a boy and owns a Frenchie himself. He was sooo happy and screaming 'Ooh Frenchie Frenchie Frenchie' He reached through the drive thru window and in to my car to pet Quella. When he was done he asked 'Is she purebred?' which is a question I get often. This is my first Frenchie so I'm not quite sure what she SHOULD look like at 8 months old, but I always say 'She's 8 months old and still a puppy, so soon enough she'll bulk up and have more of the bulldog stature and bigger head'. Either way, when I say she is a Frenchie, I mean that she's a Frenchie. If she wasn't, I would've told you otherwise. :rolleyes:

XoXo from Quella La Roux and her mommy too!
I know my dogs look a lot alike so I don't care if someone thinks they are both Bostons or both Frenchies.

As the saying goes 'The more people I meet the more I love my dogs'. :D No wonder I'm a hermit. lol!

It's not that I don't love boston's, the assuming just annoys me more than it should for some reason, but frenchies aren't a common breed to see in Cleveland, so it shouldn't surprise me...

And I agree with that, such a homebody with my pup & son!

And that's terrible about the dog park, but at least you have 2 to play at home together!
Yeah, No one tries to pick my boy up either. He's very strong and muscular and weighs in at 30Lbs. We were down in Moab and took Sarge to Dead Horse State Park where he is allowed to walk Sarge11.2013.webp the paths on a leash and he was soooooo excited and just pulling like the bulldog he is and some old guy (about my age) sitting on a bench said to the person sitting with him "Those dogs are really mean". LOL my boy and any FBD I know would lick and kiss ya to death. People do fuss over him in the car at drive-thrus and at rest areas people come up and say OMDogness a French Bulldog, he's so cute and of course Sarge is the happiest boy in the world to have someone pet him. I have had a few people ask if he's a Boston because of his color but that's about it. My dog lovessssssss people, he could care less about other dogs so if there are dogs present he ignores everyone but if it's only him and a room full of people he's the show master and begging a pet from whomever will give one.
It's not that I don't love boston's, the assuming just annoys me more than it should for some reason, but frenchies aren't a common breed to see in Cleveland, so it shouldn't surprise me...

And I agree with that, such a homebody with my pup & son!

And that's terrible about the dog park, but at least you have 2 to play at home together!

Bostons are a completely different dog even though they look similar. Both are popular downtown Toronto but not in the suburbs where I live, which is why I get the pug comment a lot. After a while I just tone it out. lol!

Exactly! Although they can be crazy I love having 2 dogs. :)
Yeah, No one tries to pick my boy up either. He's very strong and muscular and weighs in at 30Lbs. We were down in Moab and took Sarge to Dead Horse State Park where he is allowed to walkView attachment 4300 the paths on a leash and he was soooooo excited and just pulling like the bulldog he is and some old guy (about my age) sitting on a bench said to the person sitting with him "Those dogs are really mean". LOL my boy and any FBD I know would lick and kiss ya to death. People do fuss over him in the car at drive-thrus and at rest areas people come up and say OMDogness a French Bulldog, he's so cute and of course Sarge is the happiest boy in the world to have someone pet him. I have had a few people ask if he's a Boston because of his color but that's about it. My dog lovessssssss people, he could care less about other dogs so if there are dogs present he ignores everyone but if it's only him and a room full of people he's the show master and begging a pet from whomever will give one.

Frenchies are mean??? hahaha! I guess because he's so muscular? Sarge looks like Wally's twin! I love how Frenchies come in all shapes and sizes.
I was at the dog park yesterday and Radar was playing rough with another dog. Actually the other dog had Radar on his back totally submissive, which is his go to position. "Nothing to see here, can we play now?" Another dog owner who proports to love Frenchies and has one in the family pushed the other dog away saying that she knows frenchies and they get mean and will bite if pushed too far. I didn't mind the breaking up the play, it was too rough for my comfort but I did not appreciate the comment. Radar is the most passive/ friendly dog I have ever owned. He has never bitten anyone or anything even in self defense, when he should have. Kind of pissed me off.

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I was at the dog park yesterday and Radar was playing rough with another dog. Actually the other dog had Radar on his back totally submissive, which is his go to position. "Nothing to see here, can we play now?" Another dog owner who proports to love Frenchies and has one in the family pushed the other dog away saying that she knows frenchies and they get mean and will bite if pushed too far. I didn't mind the breaking up the play, it was too rough for my comfort but I did not appreciate the comment. Radar is the most passive/ friendly dog I have ever owned. He has never bitten anyone or anything even in self defense, when he should have. Kind of pissed me off.

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I can definitely understand being ticked about someone saying that dogs "are mean".
Even pitbulls, if you know dogs... You can read submissive/aggressive play.
And anyone taking their dog to a DOG PARK should definitely be able to read the differences, and warning signs of a dog growing wary of another.

No need to come over and put someone elses dog down, just remove yours, and be on your way. Why bother even saying anything? Especially an unnecessary comment.

BUT - any breed of dog being "pushed too far" can bite.
And they would most likely be growling, nipping, or snarling beforehand.

Your little guy was probably grumbling inside "what a dummy..." :rolleyes:

And people with frenchies 9 times out of 10 train them, and work with them. They cost too much to be horribly behaved and cause their owners trouble (I know that's why I work so hard with Isabelle...) Not saying some aren't more temperamental, but I've actually never seen a mean frenchie... Pugs, yes. Frenchies/Bostons? No. Not yet, anyway.

Ah, again, the ignorance... :facepalm:
I was at the dog park yesterday and Radar was playing rough with another dog. Actually the other dog had Radar on his back totally submissive, which is his go to position. "Nothing to see here, can we play now?" Another dog owner who proports to love Frenchies and has one in the family pushed the other dog away saying that she knows frenchies and they get mean and will bite if pushed too far. I didn't mind the breaking up the play, it was too rough for my comfort but I did not appreciate the comment. Radar is the most passive/ friendly dog I have ever owned. He has never bitten anyone or anything even in self defense, when he should have. Kind of pissed me off.

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Most things don't bother me. I hear all kinds of dumb comments that I have learned to just let go (I don't own a Frenchie, but Im speaking of random dog comments), but yea that would have made me a little mad too. I have worked at a Veterinary hospital for over 18 years now. You wouldn't believe some of the things I've seen and heard. LOL!
Most things don't bother me. I hear all kinds of dumb comments that I have learned to just let go (I don't own a Frenchie, but Im speaking of random dog comments), but yea that would have made me a little mad too. I have worked at a Veterinary hospital for over 18 years now. You wouldn't believe some of the things I've seen and heard. LOL!

I can only imagine! There must come a point where you have to let the stupid comments go in one ear and out the other, otherwise you'd probably be out of a job!

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