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Back Leg Issue

Aww poor Rosie! Update us with what the vet says!

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[MENTION=824]kpromero[/MENTION] Is she receiving adequan injections? Kind of works as a lubricant. If I recall my bully received weekly shots for like 5 weeks following surgery. This was quite some time ago so maybe things have changed???
Just got back and she has some inflammation starting in both legs but more in the left. Took x-rays also just to make sure. Gave her some inflammation meds to take.

Jakeyjake, she was on metacam before surgery just to keep her comfortable.

2bullymama, she has been on pain meds every 12 hours since her surgery.
Poor girl... Hope this helps her

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Aww poor Rosie. She was off to such a good start, too!

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Getting stitches removed tomorrow. She still seems to have trouble with her left leg and is not doing as well walking on it like her right. Will talk to Vet again about it tomorrow. I massaged it some just now and put a light ice pack on it.
Getting stitches removed tomorrow. She still seems to have trouble with her left leg and is not doing as well walking on it like her right. Will talk to Vet again about it tomorrow. I massaged it some just now and put a light ice pack on it.

Poor girl had so much going on at once. I hope the vet has some suggestions for her.

Getting stitches removed tomorrow. She still seems to have trouble with her left leg and is not doing as well walking on it like her right. Will talk to Vet again about it tomorrow. I massaged it some just now and put a light ice pack on it.

Poor girl! She's gone through a lot!
Stitches were removed today. Bad news is I have to have surgery again on my back left leg. Seems a bone shifted causing my leg to turn in so a pin will be needed to keep it straight. Scheduled surgery next week to repair. Hope this is the last time and thank you all for the concerns and comments.



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Aww no :(

Sorry you got bad news BUT it's really early on in the healing process so I think it's a good thing in some ways.

Rosie you are such a sweet girl! We're all rooting for you!

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Stitches were removed today. Bad news is I have to have surgery again on my back left leg. Seems a bone shifted causing my leg to turn in so a pin will be needed to keep it straight. Scheduled surgery next week to repair. Hope this is the last time and thank you all for the concerns and comments.
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Oh no! Sending more prayers to you all that it all goes well and this is it for her leg issues :hug:
That is such a shame to hear...... I hope this sorts out the issues and the pin does what she needs it to. You must be a wreck from it all :(
Poor thing! I agree with [MENTION=894]blushy[/MENTION]. It's a good thing it was caught early. Hopefully soon she will be in tip top shape!
Thanks again all. Yeah I guess better now than another year and having troubles. Need to pick up some antibiotics tomorrow since she seems to be getting a bump or small swelling in the knee area. I texted the vet and as a precaution wants to do the antibiotics until Thursday surgery
Vet called about an hour ago and said Rosie's surgery went well. Instead of adding a pin he added some nylon sutures and readjusted everything. She will stay overnight to monitor and we should be able to pick her up tomorrow afternoon.
Vet called about an hour ago and said Rosie's surgery went well. Instead of adding a pin he added some nylon sutures and readjusted everything. She will stay overnight to monitor and we should be able to pick her up tomorrow afternoon.
Good to hear it went well. Try and get a good sleep and I'm sure your going to be so excited to pick up your baby girl! Keep us posted tell us everything tomorrow after you get home!

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Vet called about an hour ago and said Rosie's surgery went well. Instead of adding a pin he added some nylon sutures and readjusted everything. She will stay overnight to monitor and we should be able to pick her up tomorrow afternoon.

keep us posted and give her lots of hugs and kisses from us
Rosie got back home yesterday and is doing pretty well. Her leg is a bit more swollen than last time but vet said it was normal after having surgery again on it so soon. She is walking on it slowly and we are putting an ice pack on it twice a day and also anitbiotics, pain med and inflamation med daily. I wanted to thank everyone on here again for all the encouragement while going through this.
Aww sweet Rosie! I'm glad everything went well and that she's back home so she's comfortable and can rest easy!

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Poor thing..... I'm glad she's home and can relax and be looked after while recovering :)
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