Buster Has An Appointment With A Neurologist At WSU Vet. Hospital

Alice Kable

Apr 14, 2013
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Wednesday, May 17 I'm taking Buster to WSU Hospital of Vet. Medicine to see a neurologist. Starting in March we noticed Buster was getting "stove up" in his hind quarters and he needed help getting up in his Lazy-Boy recliner. Fearing problems with hips, I took him in to his vet for x-rays and his hips are great--good deep sockets, but his lumbar vertebrae is tight, maybe pinching. We have been getting laser treatments that helped some along with pain meds. The meds upset his stomach, we tried 3 different ones. He quit eating; one of the meds made him really lethargic. He just wanted to stay in his crate all day--not even play jolly ball or play with Ruggles. His walk got really wonky in the hind legs and he has had trouble getting up the 2 steps from our garage into the house. So it is time for a MRI and a check-up with a neurologist. I called WSU and the soonest appt. was June 12. Our vet then called them and got us in May 17th. He is off the pain meds now and is actually improving but we are keeping the appointment in hopes they can figure what is going on with the little guy that used to live to play and go on walks!
Oh no...poor Buster! Sending positive thoughts your way. Keep us posted!

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Oh no! Alice... sending to s of hugs, prayers and positive thoughts... please keep us posted and give Buster hugs from us

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Sending positive vibes to you and Buster:heartsign:. I hope they can discover what's going on with him.
Thank you all for your positive thoughts. Poor little guy walks like he is in hobbles!
OH no! Poor Buster! I hope everything is okay! Keeping him and you in my thoughts!

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I've done some online reading about Frenchies and spinal issues and it seems like they show up between ages 4-8. Bummer, he is a mixed English and French and we were hoping to avoid breed specific health problems!
About when Cheli's issues showed up.. around 4 1/2

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I'm so sorry! I am late reading this. Poor honey; I hope you get to the bottom of it so that he can be treated. It is awful when something is wrong. Please keep us posted. God bless your little boo bear.
[MENTION=10]Alice Kable[/MENTION] ... any updates

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We need an update [MENTION=10]Alice Kable[/MENTION]! Hope all is well.
Sorry our internet has been down since Wednesday evening.

Buster had a complete work-up by the neurology team at WSU and they turned him over to Ortho. The problem was with his rear knees. He had surgery on his right knee this morning and is now in recovery. All went well. His ligaments were totally torn but the meniscus was okay. I will pick him up tomorrow, he has to wear a cone for 2 weeks, on leash when not crated, no steps, walk on grass not gravel for 8 weeks. Then they'll do his left knee. Poor baby isn't going to have much of a summer and on top of everything else we have to keep him and Ruggles separated!
But positive u know what it is and he is beginning down his road to recovery.
Glad his operation went well and lots of love to him as he rests and mends x
Sorry our internet has been down since Wednesday evening.

Buster had a complete work-up by the neurology team at WSU and they turned him over to Ortho. The problem was with his rear knees. He had surgery on his right knee this morning and is now in recovery. All went well. His ligaments were totally torn but the meniscus was okay. I will pick him up tomorrow, he has to wear a cone for 2 weeks, on leash when not crated, no steps, walk on grass not gravel for 8 weeks. Then they'll do his left knee. Poor baby isn't going to have much of a summer and on top of everything else we have to keep him and Ruggles separated!

Wow!! Poor Buster... what an ordeal! It is going to be tough for the boys not playing or cuddling .... and very hard for you to not give in.

Hugs to Buster and prayers he heals up good with no issues

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