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Buster Has An Appointment With A Neurologist At WSU Vet. Hospital

Oh man!! So after both surgeries will he be good as new? Wishing a fast recovery!

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Well, maybe the good thing is they can fix his knees easier than if it were a spinal issue (?). Poor honey. One day at a time. I hope he will be fine once he heals totally. Does he have to have the other knee done?
Oh man!! So after both surgeries will he be good as new? Wishing a fast recovery!

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He will be good as knew. WSU does lots of these surgeries--12 in the last 2 weeks. The success rate is 95%; if all goes well in his recovery (which is expected) they will do the other knee in 6 weeks. What we are dealing with is him spitting out his meds, even with cheese whiz. We don't want to wrestle with him to get him to take his meds. He is putting weight on his repaired knee, like he lifted his left leg to pee this morning so that put a lot of weight on his right. He does put some weight on his repaired leg when walking, too. We start doing physical therapy in 2 weeks!
Well, maybe the good thing is they can fix his knees easier than if it were a spinal issue (?). Poor honey. One day at a time. I hope he will be fine once he heals totally. Does he have to have the other knee done?

Yes, this is much better news than a spinal issue. His meniscus was intact which is good. He will have the left knee done when the right has healed. They expect the meniscus to be intact in the left knee also. They do a lot of knees for working cow dogs. After the recovery period (8 weeks) they go back to work! We, however are going to monitor Buster's play with the neighbor dogs and protect those $7,000 knees!
@ Alice Kable.... watermelon is a great way to hid pills! Paws crossed it works with Buster

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