You have some great info above. It is always good to let the pup pick you when possible, but that is not always possible. Check the breeder out. Are they a show breeder, do they have champions in their bloodline, do they breed for health, temperament, and to the AKC Frenchie standard? I would stay away from breeders who breed for color, meaning breeding for "rare" colors that are not Frenchie standard. Always ask to see the dam, and sire, but sometimes the sire is not present, but they should have a pic of him and will let you know whick breeder owns him and his bloodline. Check out their kennel, see if it is clean, the dogs are clean and if something just doesn't look right, it probably isn't Go with your gut feeling about the breeder and pup. If you can get pics of the pups before you go, put them on here and we can help to see if they look good or not. Look on under breed and read the Frenchie standards and that will help you also.