That’s awesome he loves the raised right food, I think he knows maybe the other food wasn’t good for him lol. Rusty too would do the same thing and eat it all if I gave him it.
Does he go all night without needing to go outside???
If you find he actually needs to go every 60-90 minutes then continue with that, but unless he is playing or drinking a ton of water then I would take him out every 2 hours.
I know it’s very annoying when they play with the bell but maybe if he plays with it and you let him outside he will start to think if I play with the bell I get let out to play or pee. My neighbors pup was doing that yesterday, he would play with the bell and I let him out and he went to chew the hose nozzle instead and did pee after.
Does he like treats??? I only ask because when they have a favourite treat it’s only used for going outside to pee on command and given a treat to start and praise, some dogs learn quicker when given treats but I am only saying a temporary not a long term to give a small favourite treat while your teaching him to pee on command so you eventually don’t have to continue waiting outside cause he won’t go for you. Rusty does go on command and was food motivated but I only used the treats until I knew he fully understood what I was asking for him to pee on command.
Currently the neighbors pup is not interested in food at all and only wants attention, and is being stubborn like jelly about not wanting to pee outside(he went 7 hrs yesterday without peeing cause he was being so darn stubborn-I had him out every 2 hrs but more often cause he didn’t pee for me yet)- he just wanted to see Rusty and I ended up taking him for a little walk to pee.
Lucky dog! I’m sure he enjoyed his ice cream! You didn’t say that already
He definitely needs to learn to go outside without having you carry him out.
The neighbors pup I don’t know what he weighs yet, I think she is gonna get him weighed today. His paws are double the size of Rusty’s and he feels heavier than Rusty. Rusty is 22 pounds so I sure am curious as to what the pup weighs.
I will let you know when I know.
My other neighbor next door also has a Frenchie pup who is 6 months and he weighs 19 lb(I seen him yesterday).
His adult weight is likely 22-23 pounds she said.
When Rusty was 7 months he weighed 8.54 kg
When he got neutered at 6 months he weighed 8.8kg(I just looked thru his records for you

)-odd how he weighed less when he was 1 month older!
He has always been ideal weight(never overweight).
That’s great he still plays good with Petey and doesnt bite you anymore.
It’s nice when they can curl up on the couch and cuddle and sleep and that way everyone can relax without having to worry about watching him.
Keep us updated!
I’m always happy to help!