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Thank you! He LOVES his food. In fact, this morning, he got impatient with my husband when he was making Petey's breakfast (he does both at the same time), and actually cried for him to hurry up! First time that's happened. When we got him, breeder said he was a free feeder and would turn over his bowl and spill his food all over vs. eating. Sounded like he wasn't food motivated, but that has changed - thankfully. Much easier to have a dog who is food motivated, for training, medicine, etc.

As for the worms in the grass, I think he can smell them, then he starts nosing/digging furiously. Again, I will have to bring out my spray bottle to stop him. Haven't had to use that a lot. He is a good boi. 😇

I’m so glad to hear he is loving his food! It’s so nice to see them get excited for their food. He probably knows this is really good for him too😊
When Rusty was a pup he was the same, he was not liking the food he came home and on and he would just choose not to eat. But he was a picky dog in the first place!

It definitely helps with training when they are food motivated.

If the worms are in only 1 spot, you can try putting a Xpen or fence or block off the area where the worms are so he doesn’t even go there.

They sure have good noses/smell things easily!
That’s really good you haven’t had to use the spray bottle much😊👍

Keep us updated!😊
I’m so glad to hear he is loving his food! It’s so nice to see them get excited for their food. He probably knows this is really good for him too😊
When Rusty was a pup he was the same, he was not liking the food he came home and on and he would just choose not to eat. But he was a picky dog in the first place!

It definitely helps with training when they are food motivated.

If the worms are in only 1 spot, you can try putting a Xpen or fence or block off the area where the worms are so he doesn’t even go there.

They sure have good noses/smell things easily!
That’s really good you haven’t had to use the spray bottle much😊👍

Keep us updated!😊
Hugs! (I wish there were an emoji for that!)

Worms are all over the yard and just below the surface. Grossness overload!

Jelly absolutely loves his food! Before, we used to wet his food with hot water and John would have to cup his hand and hand feed him to get him to finish all at once. He'd leave his bowl and Petey would be sniffing around it thinking he might get a taste. We were talking about it today, and Jelly scarfs his food now before Petey can even make his way over to Jelly's bowl to check it out. His poops are so beautiful! 😇 😁

He is doing so well on house training! No accidents for a couple of days, and today I didn't have to get up until 7:50 - a miracle!!! Honey bear!!!

Now, I have to get a hold of myself and start on the other training and nail trimming. :(😢😢😭😭😭
Hugs! (I wish there were an emoji for that!)

Worms are all over the yard and just below the surface. Grossness overload!

Jelly absolutely loves his food! Before, we used to wet his food with hot water and John would have to cup his hand and hand feed him to get him to finish all at once. He'd leave his bowl and Petey would be sniffing around it thinking he might get a taste. We were talking about it today, and Jelly scarfs his food now before Petey can even make his way over to Jelly's bowl to check it out. His poops are so beautiful! 😇 😁

He is doing so well on house training! No accidents for a couple of days, and today I didn't have to get up until 7:50 - a miracle!!! Honey bear!!!

Now, I have to get a hold of myself and start on the other training and nail trimming. :(😢😢😭😭😭

Hugs back! 🤗

Wow that’s so good, you don’t have to hand feed him and he just eats it all now without an issue! It’s so good that he doesn’t want to leave any for Petey!😀
Your giving him great food and ZERO garbage ingredients and all nutrients are absorbed and used which is less waste to pick up from him, and much easier to pick up because your giving him great food with nothing else he doesn’t need. That’s why your seeing improvements in the quality and quantity of his poop. That’s one thing I really noticed with Rusty too😊👍

Wow that’s also great that he is sleeping in later without an issue and he is doing really well with house training. It sounds like things are getting better for you and you don’t have to watch him like a hawk? The bell is useful when it comes to him needing out(for us even if we are upstairs and a dog rings the bell downstairs, we hear it). They are very smart dogs and it doesn’t take long usually for them to figure out what you are wanting from them, and he will continue to get used to it.

For the training, I would teach sit command first cause it’s the most used usually. Maybe you can try asking him to sit for his dinner? Small short training sessions(10-15 minutes each time and end in a good thing). Try not to be frustrated or stressed during training as they pick up on that and they can get frustrated too.

Keep me updated!
I'm always happy to help😊👍
Hugs back! 🤗

Wow that’s so good, you don’t have to hand feed him and he just eats it all now without an issue! It’s so good that he doesn’t want to leave any for Petey!😀
Your giving him great food and ZERO garbage ingredients and all nutrients are absorbed and used which is less waste to pick up from him, and much easier to pick up because your giving him great food with nothing else he doesn’t need. That’s why your seeing improvements in the quality and quantity of his poop. That’s one thing I really noticed with Rusty too😊👍

Wow that’s also great that he is sleeping in later without an issue and he is doing really well with house training. It sounds like things are getting better for you and you don’t have to watch him like a hawk? The bell is useful when it comes to him needing out(for us even if we are upstairs and a dog rings the bell downstairs, we hear it). They are very smart dogs and it doesn’t take long usually for them to figure out what you are wanting from them, and he will continue to get used to it.

For the training, I would teach sit command first cause it’s the most used usually. Maybe you can try asking him to sit for his dinner? Small short training sessions(10-15 minutes each time and end in a good thing). Try not to be frustrated or stressed during training as they pick up on that and they can get frustrated too.

Keep me updated!
I'm always happy to help😊👍
No, I don't watch him like a hawk anymore, thankfully. I have a pretty good handle on reading his tells. When he starts sniffing the floor or gets up and goes into the kitchen near the door, I get up and ask him if he wants to go out and then let him out. I think he has really learned the buzz words, "outside" and "potty potty." This morning, he only made it to 5:45 before he was crying, and my husband had let him out at 2:00. I let him out and he had to poop - lots - immediately. I can't believe how much he poops for eating like 1-1/2 c. of food per day. His poops are really nice, too. I don't know where they are coming from!

I will start sit training today when Petey is with my husband. I will cut up some cocktail weiners as an added incentive and just keep at it in short sessions. I know he will get it - I can't believe how intelligent he is. Bambi was my love and the sweetest dog ever, but she just didn't get much.
No, I don't watch him like a hawk anymore, thankfully. I have a pretty good handle on reading his tells. When he starts sniffing the floor or gets up and goes into the kitchen near the door, I get up and ask him if he wants to go out and then let him out. I think he has really learned the buzz words, "outside" and "potty potty." This morning, he only made it to 5:45 before he was crying, and my husband had let him out at 2:00. I let him out and he had to poop - lots - immediately. I can't believe how much he poops for eating like 1-1/2 c. of food per day. His poops are really nice, too. I don't know where they are coming from!

I will start sit training today when Petey is with my husband. I will cut up some cocktail weiners as an added incentive and just keep at it in short sessions. I know he will get it - I can't believe how intelligent he is. Bambi was my love and the sweetest dog ever, but she just didn't get much.

That’s really good you don’t have to watch him like a hawk anymore! Training him for outside didn’t take too long and at least you can relax more and not watch him like a hawk anymore! Sounds like Jelly and you have made amazing progress-great job!!!😊👍

Yes he sounds very smart like Rusty and learns the words(outside, potty) quickly.
I’m sure he will learn just as quickly with sit.

Keep us updated on how the sit training goes!😊
Cheli took two full years to house train.. he would poo outside no problem, but pee… was a nightmare. And, he tries to eat toads…. Try prying their jaws open when one is in their mouth… foam and saliva spilling out and the toad is frozen, afraid to move… thank goodness
Cheli took two full years to house train.. he would poo outside no problem, but pee… was a nightmare. And, he tries to eat toads…. Try prying their jaws open when one is in their mouth… foam and saliva spilling out and the toad is frozen, afraid to move… thank goodness
Good to know that Cheli took a while. Jelly is almost there, but just when I think he's completely got it, I find a present. Lately, he has had an aversion to peeing outside and has been peeing in the garage just before he comes in, or in spite of having access to the entire yard, he'll pee on the concrete inches from the outside door.

Here are Petey and Jelly. I love that they are so close.


  • Jelly and Petey - 6-3-22.webp
    Jelly and Petey - 6-3-22.webp
    31.9 KB · Views: 4
Good to know that Cheli took a while. Jelly is almost there, but just when I think he's completely got it, I find a present. Lately, he has had an aversion to peeing outside and has been peeing in the garage just before he comes in, or in spite of having access to the entire yard, he'll pee on the concrete inches from the outside door.

Here are Petey and Jelly. I love that they are so close.

Awww that’s so cute Jelly and Petey curled up together😊

Hopefully he will get out of the stubbornness soon for potty training!

How’s Jelly doing otherwise(other training, nail trims, still doing good on the RR and Orijen food??) did he get any reaction from the rabies shot?
Awww that’s so cute Jelly and Petey curled up together😊

Hopefully he will get out of the stubbornness soon for potty training!

How’s Jelly doing otherwise(other training, nail trims, still doing good on the RR and Orijen food??) did he get any reaction from the rabies shot?
Well, I haven't tried any training - still - or nail trims. We haven't given Jelly a bath since the first time (two weeks?), and that's when I like to do his nails when they are softer. I ordered more RR food - very happy with the brand. He has been itching more and chewing his legs a little. At this point, I don't know if it's environmental or food. He didn't have any reaction to his rabies shot. I haven't put him on any flea and tick prevention or heartworm. Not sure if that is the right thing, but I am hesitant. 😟

Jelly will be 19 weeks on Monday, 6/13/22. John weighed him yesterday and he is 12.4 lbs. At 9.5 weeks when we got him, he was 8.4 lbs.


  • Jelly - 6-3-22.webp
    Jelly - 6-3-22.webp
    64.5 KB · Views: 2
Well, I haven't tried any training - still - or nail trims. We haven't given Jelly a bath since the first time (two weeks?), and that's when I like to do his nails when they are softer. I ordered more RR food - very happy with the brand. He has been itching more and chewing his legs a little. At this point, I don't know if it's environmental or food. He didn't have any reaction to his rabies shot. I haven't put him on any flea and tick prevention or heartworm. Not sure if that is the right thing, but I am hesitant. 😟

Jelly will be 19 weeks on Monday, 6/13/22. John weighed him yesterday and he is 12.4 lbs. At 9.5 weeks when we got him, he was 8.4 lbs.

That’s good he is doing good with his RR food.
Is it still Orijen or Acana kibble?

For the itching/chewing, is it minimal or is it gotten bad?? I am asking because it sounds like it could be environmental allergies(pollen is out more now too and everything is in bloom), and now is allergy time unfortunately.
The good food will keep his immune system strong! Food allergies can be prevented, environmental allergies can be not as easy to prevent, just good diet!

Unfortunately Rusty just went thru a terrible allergy flare from the pollen and other environmental allergies and he was covered in bumps, red skin, rashes and VERY itchy which Rusty has never had itching issues unless allergies are bad.

When did he have the rabies shot??

When did you notice he got more itchy/scratching more??
That’s a common side effect if the rabies shot, Rusty too had that after the shot. Just something to consider as a cause for itching.

For the heartworm and flea/tick prevention, I would be much more worried about the long term side effects it can cause and the risk to the dogs health VS the potential benefit for preventing flea tick and heartworm.

Sounds like he is growing good, pretty much the same as Rusty at that age, maybe he will be around 22-25 lb like Rusty😊

Very cute photo of sweet Jelly. What a handsome boy😊
That’s good he is doing good with his RR food.
Is it still Orijen or Acana kibble?

For the itching/chewing, is it minimal or is it gotten bad?? I am asking because it sounds like it could be environmental allergies(pollen is out more now too and everything is in bloom), and now is allergy time unfortunately.
The good food will keep his immune system strong! Food allergies can be prevented, environmental allergies can be not as easy to prevent, just good diet!

Unfortunately Rusty just went thru a terrible allergy flare from the pollen and other environmental allergies and he was covered in bumps, red skin, rashes and VERY itchy which Rusty has never had itching issues unless allergies are bad.

When did he have the rabies shot??

When did you notice he got more itchy/scratching more??
That’s a common side effect if the rabies shot, Rusty too had that after the shot. Just something to consider as a cause for itching.

For the heartworm and flea/tick prevention, I would be much more worried about the long term side effects it can cause and the risk to the dogs health VS the potential benefit for preventing flea tick and heartworm.

Sounds like he is growing good, pretty much the same as Rusty at that age, maybe he will be around 22-25 lb like Rusty😊

Very cute photo of sweet Jelly. What a handsome boy😊
Jelly (and now Petey) is on Orijen for the kibble. His itching has been progressive over the last several weeks. He got his rabies last Wednesday and I didn't notice anything unusual since then. You are right about the pollen. I have had my car outside so I can get at my gardening stuff in the garage and every morning my car is covered in green pollen dust. It's pretty bad. The cottonwood trees are in full bloom, too. We need to give him a bath to clean any of that from his fur and also clip his nails.

Jelly is a wonderful, sweet, affectionate dog, and very smart. I just wish his confirmation were a little more conventional. I knew his father was too long and had a longer neck (both like Jelly) as soon as I saw him, but Jelly was the only puppy available from the breeder where we got Bambi, so we chose him. All the other breeders advertised in the newspaper and I was suspect of that. Also, we have a pet store here that only sells puppy mill puppies, and I felt certain those frenchies came from questionable "breeders." They would be designer, non-standard colors and some mixed with various other breeds, which they stated (Bostons, English bulldogs, etc.).

I'm sorry about Rusty's allergies. How is his eye infection? I hope that has cleared.
Jelly (and now Petey) is on Orijen for the kibble. His itching has been progressive over the last several weeks. He got his rabies last Wednesday and I didn't notice anything unusual since then. You are right about the pollen. I have had my car outside so I can get at my gardening stuff in the garage and every morning my car is covered in green pollen dust. It's pretty bad. The cottonwood trees are in full bloom, too. We need to give him a bath to clean any of that from his fur and also clip his nails.

Jelly is a wonderful, sweet, affectionate dog, and very smart. I just wish his confirmation were a little more conventional. I knew his father was too long and had a longer neck (both like Jelly) as soon as I saw him, but Jelly was the only puppy available from the breeder where we got Bambi, so we chose him. All the other breeders advertised in the newspaper and I was suspect of that. Also, we have a pet store here that only sells puppy mill puppies, and I felt certain those frenchies came from questionable "breeders." They would be designer, non-standard colors and some mixed with various other breeds, which they stated (Bostons, English bulldogs, etc.).

I'm sorry about Rusty's allergies. How is his eye infection? I hope that has cleared.

That’s good they are both on Orijen kibble now!

It sounds like he is itching from environmental allergies, that has started the past several weeks for most dogs with allergies.

Does he get rashes or bumps? Any eye irritations? Ear issues?

I’m asking those questions because if it’s no to all those above he probably just has environmental allergies and mild(not severe) which is good.

Continue to keep his immune system good with the good food(both of them are very low in carbs which also helps) and continue to rotate proteins😊

dust, mites, grass, weeds(especially dandelions), pollen, mold and lots of flowers are the most common environmental allergies for dogs. Most of them flare ups happen with the pollen especially.
I highly recommend giving Jelly a bath to wash his skin so he doesn’t have any allergens on him(especially since he likes to be outside).

There is definitely lots of puppy mills and questionable breeders unfortunately!

His allergies started to flare a few weeks ago from environmental allergies.

Rusty’s eye infection I think is gone but they are very irritated from the environmental allergies.

Keep me updated😊
I’m happy to help 😊
That’s good they are both on Orijen kibble now!

It sounds like he is itching from environmental allergies, that has started the past several weeks for most dogs with allergies.

Does he get rashes or bumps? Any eye irritations? Ear issues?

I’m asking those questions because if it’s no to all those above he probably just has environmental allergies and mild(not severe) which is good.

Continue to keep his immune system good with the good food(both of them are very low in carbs which also helps) and continue to rotate proteins😊

dust, mites, grass, weeds(especially dandelions), pollen, mold and lots of flowers are the most common environmental allergies for dogs. Most of them flare ups happen with the pollen especially.
I highly recommend giving Jelly a bath to wash his skin so he doesn’t have any allergens on him(especially since he likes to be outside).

There is definitely lots of puppy mills and questionable breeders unfortunately!

His allergies started to flare a few weeks ago from environmental allergies.

Rusty’s eye infection I think is gone but they are very irritated from the environmental allergies.

Keep me updated😊
I’m happy to help 😊
No rashes, bumps, redness, and his eyes and ears are good. We will definitely bathe him either today or tomorrow.

We used up Petey's food - Brothers - and switched him to Orijen. I thought we were giving him good food (!), based on Dog Food Advisor. Can't believe anything these days. Luckily, Petey doesn't have any issues, but I"m sure he will do great on the Orijen. He loves it.

Thanks for all your help!
No rashes, bumps, redness, and his eyes and ears are good. We will definitely bathe him either today or tomorrow.

We used up Petey's food - Brothers - and switched him to Orijen. I thought we were giving him good food (!), based on Dog Food Advisor. Can't believe anything these days. Luckily, Petey doesn't have any issues, but I"m sure he will do great on the Orijen. He loves it.

Thanks for all your help!

That’s great he doesn’t have any of the redness/rashes/bumps and has great ears and eyes!
Sounds like maybe he has ‘mild’ environmental allergy and bathing should definitely help.

That’s awesome Petey is also on Orijen now and loves it too. Your lucky he doesn’t have any Health issues!

Your very welcome, I’m always happy to help😊

Keep me updated!😊
That’s great he doesn’t have any of the redness/rashes/bumps and has great ears and eyes!
Sounds like maybe he has ‘mild’ environmental allergy and bathing should definitely help.

That’s awesome Petey is also on Orijen now and loves it too. Your lucky he doesn’t have any Health issues!

Your very welcome, I’m always happy to help😊

Keep me updated!😊
Jelly had his second bath today. He loved it! I also trimmed his nails, but barely. Still, I got every one. He squirms, not because he minds, but because he wants to get down. I didn't hit any of the quicks, so it was a positive experience. Really helps to massage his paws and toes all the time. I can't get over how soft he is after he is bathed. He doesn't seem dirty, but it makes a difference! I'm sure he feels good. He loves getting toweled dry. :giggle: 😇
Jelly had his second bath today. He loved it! I also trimmed his nails, but barely. Still, I got every one. He squirms, not because he minds, but because he wants to get down. I didn't hit any of the quicks, so it was a positive experience. Really helps to massage his paws and toes all the time. I can't get over how soft he is after he is bathed. He doesn't seem dirty, but it makes a difference! I'm sure he feels good. He loves getting toweled dry. :giggle: 😇

That’s awesome he likes the bath and doesn’t mind nail trims! It definitely helps when we rub their paws when they are young😊

At least all the potential allergens are off him now!

Are you more comfortable trimming his nails now?

I love how soft they are after the bath, even if they were soft before and not dirty, they look great after the bath! Rusty too loves towel drying and he will race around the house after the bath cause I think he feels good after. Does Jelly race around after bath?

Rusty actually just had a bath just now I dried him 😊 he will put his paws on the tub and look down at his towel waiting to be dried, I’ll attach a photo😊 bottom photo is him after being dried!

Any photos of Jelly in the tub or after?



That’s awesome he likes the bath and doesn’t mind nail trims! It definitely helps when we rub their paws when they are young😊

At least all the potential allergens are off him now!

Are you more comfortable trimming his nails now?

I love how soft they are after the bath, even if they were soft before and not dirty, they look great after the bath! Rusty too loves towel drying and he will race around the house after the bath cause I think he feels good after. Does Jelly race around after bath?

Rusty actually just had a bath just now I dried him 😊 he will put his paws on the tub and look down at his towel waiting to be dried, I’ll attach a photo😊 bottom photo is him after being dried!

Any photos of Jelly in the tub or after?

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View attachment 15895
View attachment 15896
OMG, he is absolutely adorable and a beautiful frenchie!!! Beautiful little body and markings! Those are the sweetest pictures of him! 😭

We have a very deep sink with the faucet that has a hose, so we bathe him in the kitchen sink. It's a concrete sink, too, so not slippery. It stresses me to trim nails because the older he's gotten, the more brown his nails have become. I am so afraid of hitting the quick and so I am pretty conservative when I am trimming. I keep a couple of inches of warm water in the sink so that his nails soften before I attempt to cut them. For the first time since we've had him (2+ years), I've started trimming Petey's nails after his bath. His are much easier as the majority of them are white. I am very conservative on the black ones. They both are very frisky after their bath. Petey tends to race and Jelly initiates play as soon as he is on the floor - after, of course, their bath snack! I think they both enjoy it.
OMG, he is absolutely adorable and a beautiful frenchie!!! Beautiful little body and markings! Those are the sweetest pictures of him! 😭

We have a very deep sink with the faucet that has a hose, so we bathe him in the kitchen sink. It's a concrete sink, too, so not slippery. It stresses me to trim nails because the older he's gotten, the more brown his nails have become. I am so afraid of hitting the quick and so I am pretty conservative when I am trimming. I keep a couple of inches of warm water in the sink so that his nails soften before I attempt to cut them. For the first time since we've had him (2+ years), I've started trimming Petey's nails after his bath. His are much easier as the majority of them are white. I am very conservative on the black ones. They both are very frisky after their bath. Petey tends to race and Jelly initiates play as soon as he is on the floor - after, of course, their bath snack! I think they both enjoy it.

Thank you!!

That’s easier to bath him In the kitchen sink! I used to bath Rusty in the kitchen sink which also has a faucet hose but then he grew out of the sink so there would be water everywhere if I washed his head, now I bath him in the bathtub which also has a faucet hose.
Its much more convenient In the sink!

Ohh I didn’t know the nails get darker as they get older(at least Rusty and my other dogs haven’t) but they have black nails since pups.

I know it’s a bit more stressful the first few times of trimming their nails until you get used to it and get more comfortable.
It helps that your rubbing his paws and toes a lot and also clipping a little bit off each nail, that will help Jelly and you to get used to it and be more comfortable with doing it. Every positive experience helps him(and you)!

That’s great your doing Petey’s nails too, more comfortable/easier practice for you since his are not black!

I’m sure they really liked their bath, now it’s play time! Since I dried Rusty he has been racing around and then digs thru the toy bins and barks at me to play with a toy! He still is wanting to play!
They seem so much like Rusty!

Sounds like your doing great with the nail trims and bathing them and keeping them healthy! They are lucky to have you as their owner/mom!

Hopefully Jelly isn’t being as stubborn for potty training?
Thank you!!

That’s easier to bath him In the kitchen sink! I used to bath Rusty in the kitchen sink which also has a faucet hose but then he grew out of the sink so there would be water everywhere if I washed his head, now I bath him in the bathtub which also has a faucet hose.
Its much more convenient In the sink!

Ohh I didn’t know the nails get darker as they get older(at least Rusty and my other dogs haven’t) but they have black nails since pups.

I know it’s a bit more stressful the first few times of trimming their nails until you get used to it and get more comfortable.
It helps that your rubbing his paws and toes a lot and also clipping a little bit off each nail, that will help Jelly and you to get used to it and be more comfortable with doing it. Every positive experience helps him(and you)!

That’s great your doing Petey’s nails too, more comfortable/easier practice for you since his are not black!

I’m sure they really liked their bath, now it’s play time! Since I dried Rusty he has been racing around and then digs thru the toy bins and barks at me to play with a toy! He still is wanting to play!
They seem so much like Rusty!

Sounds like your doing great with the nail trims and bathing them and keeping them healthy! They are lucky to have you as their owner/mom!

Hopefully Jelly isn’t being as stubborn for potty training?
Rusty is an angel and so beautiful. I hope Jelly matures the same way. He is a love but still can be stubborn and independent. He is more bonded to my husband, however, he listens to me and enjoys time on my lap as well.

His new thing now is he isn't as interested in getting off the deck and going out in the yard - even if Petey is out there. He will, but he's at a stage where he prefers the deck. Today looks like an all-day rain, so this should be fun! Actually, I am encouraged about his potty training - not 100%, however, for the most part, he goes outside. If he's going to go in the house, it's usually on my husband's watch. I think he knows what he can get away with, although he does do it in secret.

Maybe his nail color is the same, just bigger now. I like to wait to clip them until I can see where the quick stops and where I can cut them. I still cut them well before then. I figure better to trim longer than too short and hurt him.

I am pretty sure his adult teeth are starting to come in because I can feel them. He will chew my arm, but I love it and it doesn't hurt. He has been really good for a long while now about not biting. His testicles still don't look like much, so he hasn't reached puberty yet (I assume). He will be five months old in a couple of weeks. Time is going so quickly. Oh, he's ringing the bell, so I will let him out now, but he won't go because it's raining! More later.
Rusty is an angel and so beautiful. I hope Jelly matures the same way. He is a love but still can be stubborn and independent. He is more bonded to my husband, however, he listens to me and enjoys time on my lap as well.

His new thing now is he isn't as interested in getting off the deck and going out in the yard - even if Petey is out there. He will, but he's at a stage where he prefers the deck. Today looks like an all-day rain, so this should be fun! Actually, I am encouraged about his potty training - not 100%, however, for the most part, he goes outside. If he's going to go in the house, it's usually on my husband's watch. I think he knows what he can get away with, although he does do it in secret.

Maybe his nail color is the same, just bigger now. I like to wait to clip them until I can see where the quick stops and where I can cut them. I still cut them well before then. I figure better to trim longer than too short and hurt him.

I am pretty sure his adult teeth are starting to come in because I can feel them. He will chew my arm, but I love it and it doesn't hurt. He has been really good for a long while now about not biting. His testicles still don't look like much, so he hasn't reached puberty yet (I assume). He will be five months old in a couple of weeks. Time is going so quickly. Oh, he's ringing the bell, so I will let him out now, but he won't go because it's raining! More later.

They are such great dogs! Rusty is still stubborn too sometimes 😊
Jelly looks like such a sweet boy in those photos you attached the other day!

That’s crazy now he prefers the deck.
That’s awesome if he is continuing to improve and listen with potty training and going outside!

They are very smart and know who they can get away with stuff with! Definitely doesn’t take long! Rusty knows he can do things he isn’t allowed to do when I’m at a work and my parents are home with him(run upstairs instead of waiting).

Yes it’s definitely better to be safe than sorry when trimming the nails, especially when they are pups!

Rusty’s adult teeth were coming in at that age, at least Jelly is being good about not biting😊👍

Around 5-6 months of age Rusty’s behaviour started to change(but he was around a lot of other dogs too then) and he got more stubborn and ‘rude/humpy’
But I’m glad he doesn’t lift his leg and mark his territory! Since Jelly is just around Petey? He shouldn’t be ‘Rude/humpy’ hopefully!

Oh my 5 months already almost, where did the time go!

Good boy Jelly for ringing the bell!
Rusty just sits at the door, he doesn’t like ringing the bell, but at least I know when he needs outside.

He hates the rain too! He looked at me today when it was raining, like Really do I have to go outside in this? He is always in in like 30 seconds when it’s raining!
They definitely don’t like to get wet!

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