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My Frenchie has blood in his stool!!


New member
Dec 28, 2014
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Hello I'm Jacob, I'm new to the forum. I came here looking for advice about my french bulldog Fish (3 months old) I'll start from the beginning;
It has been about a week and a half and he is still having blood in his stool. I have taken him to the vet four separate times.
1) to be tested for parvo and to have his feces analyzed for parasites (both negative)
2)was told to put him on a diet only consisting of chicken and rice.
3)we did blood work which showed his white blood cell count was high (speculating infection)
4) and now for the last 4 days he has been on a wet low fat diet (which isn't good as he is only 3 months) as well he is on a Tylosin liquid and a Forti Flora powder for his food.

He is not at all lethargic. Has been happily eating his food and water and being a normal puppy. When he goes #2 sometimes it's diarhea sometimes its soft. But there is always usually some blood or almost a clot of it.

Please if anyone has had something similar like this happen I would love to hear how you resolved it. I am finding a lack of consistency with my vet. It never seems like they are on the same page as there as multiple.

Thank you for reading.
How much food do you feed? Does the poo have any mucus in it?
I feed him 3 times a day as per the vet and it's about half a can of the wet food per day. As per vet also.

- - - Updated - - -

And no mucus. The blood is still red when it comes out so he is not digesting it.
i wish it was that. Going back to the vet during the week. Hopefully we will have a better direction to go in. Because personality wise he seems perfectly normal. The breeder can't even think of any reason for the blood that hasn't been already investigated.
my guy will sometimes have drops here and there when he is stressed over a change --- good luck and keep us posted.

did the vet test for giardia when they did the stool testing?
[MENTION=1066]jacobliebs[/MENTION]: also check out the diarrhea article, maybe something in there will be of help?
Nothing to add except I hope you get some answers soon. Good luck!
Thanks everybody, I will take a look in that thread. It's beggining to get less and less.
So maybe there was a viral infection that the meds has begun to clear up.
Thanks everybody, I will take a look in that thread. It's beggining to get less and less.
So maybe there was a viral infection that the meds has begun to clear up.

I hope so! *paws crossed*
[MENTION=1066]jacobliebs[/MENTION]: how's Fish doing?
He's actually improved a ton! Regular stool now with no blood!! So relieved. Thank you for the concern and help!!
[MENTION=1066]jacobliebs[/MENTION]: I am late to this string... just wanted to follow up and see how Fish is doing? Continuing to improve I hope. Keep us posted and we would love to see pics and hear more about Fish.

Anne, Gidget, Olivia and Wilson
I've been having this problem with my Rhino since he was about 4 months and is soon to be 1. We've done blood work, antibiotics, dwormers, stool testing, changed foods. He does everything normal and has lots of energy. I've been to 3 different vets and they can't seem to find the problem. His stools don't contain blood as much but are still soft and sometimes wet and he is constantly straining.
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