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Please Say a Prayer for my Grandpuppy Napoleon

Awwww look at that sweet baby, he looks much better now, and it looks like he is in good hands. I hope he has a speedy recovery.
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I was going to say the same thing David said, it sure looks like he is in good hands and they really like him there. Who could resist that face though, seriously. It sounds promising; I am sure he will be raring to go in no time.
Teaching him to walk might be a little tough... But it should also make for relaxing during recovery time easier.

He's such a cutie! Poor frenchie a don't deserve the multitude of health problems they have!
I'm so sorry about your baby. I hope the MRI finds something conclusive that you can work with. It is such a worry when something is wrong. Good luck and let us know tomorrow.
Dr. Moser called at 12:30am to say Napoleon was awake and breathing on his own, the surgery went well, he will be at the hospital for 3-4 days, we have to wait until the pain med IV is stopped to see if the feeling is returning, he moves his toes but not his legs, thanks again everybody for your kinds words!

Thanks for all of your kind words and thoughts, they found a herniated disc and Napoleon is in surgery, the neurologist is confident he will be able to recuperate, there were 2 emergencies before him so surgery didn't start until 9pm EST, it has been a long day full of worry, thanks again! Sherry

View attachment 5889View attachment 5890View attachment 5891 Everybody at the Animal Neurology & MRI Center love Napoleon, they sent us pictures taken last evening and he is much more alert and himself, the herniated disc was at T13-L1 vertebra level, Dr. Moeser said it was at the lower end of the spine which will make healing easier, I have been researching herniated disc recovery and I think we will have to help Napoleon learn to walk again, even a short time can cause him to lose his ability, he is a strong willed boy and he will want to go as soon as he feels better, I am thankful that he has a second chance and we will make the best of it, we miss him, we don't get to pick him up until Tuesday at the earliest :(
View attachment 5889View attachment 5890View attachment 5891 Everybody at the Animal Neurology & MRI Center love Napoleon, they sent us pictures taken last evening and he is much more alert and himself, the herniated disc was at T13-L1 vertebra level, Dr. Moeser said it was at the lower end of the spine which will make healing easier, I have been researching herniated disc recovery and I think we will have to help Napoleon learn to walk again, even a short time can cause him to lose his ability, he is a strong willed boy and he will want to go as soon as he feels better, I am thankful that he has a second chance and we will make the best of it, we miss him, we don't get to pick him up until Tuesday at the earliest :(
Oh what a cutie. I love him. He looks really alert and good. I hope his recuperation goes well. You must be so excited for the big homecoming!!!
We are so happy to have Napoleon recovering at home, he is getting around well 4 days post-op, we were happy to see he was actually walking, his legs aren't strong and he will drag one or the other but he made a new girlfriend at the facility, Jerri, and she stopped in to say goodbye to him, then when the girl who was checking us out left the door open a crack he dashed down the hall to the rehab room where Jerri was working with another dog, she dashed out and scooped him up and gave him one more hug, it was awesome to see he was loved while he was there, he goes back in two weeks to get the staples out and for a consult with the PT/Rehab doctor, thanks for all your message and encouragement:) IMG_6143[1].webp
Poor baby. It does sound like he is doing well though, and they definitely loved him there. Who wouldn't?
Oh my god, what a *gorgeous* Frenchie. Praying for a speedy recovery. I'm sure there are some therapeutic exercises that will help him get back on his four paws the best he can. :)
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