Possible breathing issues?


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Aug 14, 2017
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Hi, I have a few questions I am hoping someone can answer. My Frenchi Blue is 7 months old, very active and healthy. He snores heavily like I know most bulldogs do but he sometimes trembles on the inhale and breathes through his mouth on exhale. He has started to vomit white flem a few times a day and Im a bit concerend it could be an issue with his nasal passage restricting his breathing. He weighs 26 pound but still looks small, very compact and muscular. It Would be interesting to know If that is a healthy weight. Thanks for any advice. I will upload a video.

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Has he had his nares and palate evaluated? If not, I might start with that as some need surgery. Just make sure the vet is knowledgeable with this breed.

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He hasnt had that, I have heard that they like to wait untill 2 years to see if they change , is that true? I have experienced bad vets in the past so thought id get some info before i take him. Cheers.
I haven’t personally dealt with the issue but a few people on here have so they should chime in soon.
[MENTION=2]2bullymama[/MENTION] [MENTION=10]Alice Kable[/MENTION]

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Dont think i posted in the correct thread, I can move it if you let me know how:)
Sometimes, the white foam can be from getting overly hungry. Do you notice it happens at specific times of day?
We have had palate surgery done at 1 year old. Make sure you get an evaluation done by someone who specializes in short nosed dogs, and does this type of surgery frequently.
Its very Random it can happen anytime throughout the day.
What a cutie!

that isn't horrible, but I would definitely have him evaluated for nares and palate. I had Cheli done twice... 1st at 8 months old and then later ... I think 4 years as he also need his tonsils out. Cheli also at times has apnea issues so I will blow air in his face to help him catch his breath.

Find a good bulldog experienced vet to do the eval

please keep us posted
The shaking is normal when he sleeps. The breathing should be evaluated by a good French bulldog vet. His weight is a little heavy for a French Bulldog, but he could just be a big boy. In conformation they can not be over 28 pounds. I know you are not showing him, but that is the maximum weight for a French bulldog according to the FBDCA standard in the US.
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Thank you for all the advice. Great information here. Have you got a rough idea of when they stop growing?
Thank you for all the advice. Great information here. Have you got a rough idea of when they stop growing?

Most finish in second year

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What a cutie!

that isn't horrible, but I would definitely have him evaluated for nares and palate. I had Cheli done twice... 1st at 8 months old and then later ... I think 4 years as he also need his tonsils out. Cheli also at times has apnea issues so I will blow air in his face to help him catch his breath.

Find a good bulldog experienced vet to do the eval

please keep us posted

Is there anyone who could recomend a specialist in the south of England.?