That’s great he is still doing good on the healthy food and your rotating proteins.
That’s awesome the itching he was doing before has stopped.
Rusty isn’t scared of fireworks unless they are very loud and close then he just looks like what was that, but not scared.
However with the vacuum, from day 1 of having him, he thinks the vacuum is a toy and chases it and tries to jump on the furniture while I’m vacuuming the couch, when he can’t reach he get himself worked up and screams and barks very loud and then when he can reach it he pulls on it with his teeth(not aggressive but he tries to play with it), I hold the spray bottle when I vacuum and if he starts going crazy, I spray him, last time I did that he peed next to me cause he was mad

That was the only time he peed in the house since being house trained, they definitely can be stubborn at times. But if he knows I have the spray bottle and I let him out to pee before I start vacuuming then he brings me toys and he wants me to throw the ball for him or play tug o war while I am vacuuming, if I don’t he bites the vacuum

And I did put him in his crate before, and all he does is scream and he gets himself so worked up because he wants to play, I can’t have him scream because my parents work from home and are always on the phone calls. It’s not like he doesn’t like the crate it’s because he wants the vacuum and to play.
Now I’m trying to not vacuum when Rusty is on the same floor as I worry about him trying to jump at the vacuum and him hurt his back more.
When I used to let him stay upstairs when I blow dry my hair, he has always screamed, but I have taught him not to scream and I won’t use the blow dryer near him. He just tries to bite at it and bark cause he thinks its a toy sometimes and sometimes he is scared of it, I know that sounds strange but even if I try to play ball with him, he doesn’t want that he wants to bark still at it.
I’m always calm when vacuuming or blow drying my hair, hoping it will make Rusty calm, but that doesn’t work for him

All other noises don’t bother him.
That’s a good idea with the blender, I used to give them peanut butter after I used the blender to make dog treats.
Rusty started acting different at 5 months old, when he was 6 months old he started humping more, our vet that neutered him said it was perfect timing as he was just getting into that mindset.
But I wouldn’t have made the appointment for 6 months old, if I got another dog I would wait longer before neutering, if possible(sometimes you can’t wait for behaviour reasons).
He should be getting there anytime, or around 6 months, some dogs might take longer but I have only heard of 1 dog, my neighbors Frenchie is 8 months old and she wants to book him in for neuter very soon as he is very ‘rude’ with the other dog.
Rusty was the first male dog I have had so other than based off of Rusty, and a couple other dogs I know, I would say around 6-8 months of age, might be sooner It just depends on the dog.