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Stressed - Penelope's eye isn't better


New member
Feb 15, 2015
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Well, this week has been stressful to say the least.

I took Penelope into the emergency vet this past Sun., as I noticed her eye was quite red. It was confirmed that she had an ulcer on her eye, and that she had a couple of eyelashes that were irritating it, so the ophthamologist suggested that we get surgery done to remove the eyelashes, or else they'll just continue to irritate her cornea.

So we booked the surgery for Sat. (tomorrow), and in the meantime, we were to give her drops and ointment, and were told that the ulcer would probably heal before the surgery, but that we should still get it done to prevent any reoccurrences.

A couple of days after giving Penelope the drops, I wasn't confident that things were improving, so I called the emergency clinic to ask about the drops she was given (perhaps they're irritating her eye? Is this normal?), and unfortunately, I couldn't talk to either vet that saw Penelope, as neither of them were in until the weekend. But, the girl at the front desk said that irritation can occur, and that Penelope is probably ok.

So a couple of more days go by, and I'm just feeling uneasy about this whole thing, as I've dealt with corneal ulcers before, and this just wasn't sitting right with me. So, I called my regular vet and made an appointment to bring Penelope in, and he confirmed that the ulcer hadn't healed. :( It hadn't gotten worse, but it hadn't gotten better either.

He assured me that the vet that is doing the surgery tomorrow is fabulous, that Penelope is in great hands, etc., and that there could be a myriad of reasons as to why the ulcer hadn't healed. The drops she was on could perhaps not agree with her, it could be her own immune system not healing her eye as it should (because he noticed that the blood vessels were quite present around the whites of her eye but not around the cornea, which is where they should be to promote healing), it could be the eyelashes continually irritating her cornea so that it can't heal, etc.

Long story short, I have just been freaking out all week, as eyes just FREAK ME OUT. I know, I know... I've owned pugs for 15 years, now Frenchies, not exactly the right breeds to get if you're freaked out about eyes, right? ;)

This surgery tomorrow just cannot come soon enough. What also scares me is the after-care. How many drops will we have to give her, will they work, can I make it work with my work schedule, etc. If worse comes to worse, I will have to take Penelope with me to work and leave her in the back of my vehicle in a crate and go down and give her drops (if the schedule is aggressive and we have to do it every 4 hrs, let's say). What else can I do? (It's a temperature controlled, underground garage...not too hot, not too cold)

I am so grateful that I have pet insurance, as this will mostly be covered (minus my deductible). Boy, the $100/month that I pay for her per month is starting to pay itself off!

Eyes... Ugh!!! I am so stressed. I can barely eat, sleep, function, etc. I'm just sick with worry.:pray:
I'm so sorry all of this is happening. How long are you away from home when working? I wouldn't leave her in the car. Maybe someone could come by and check on her and medicate her for you? Or maybe you could do day board her somewhere? A Vet hospital? I know we do that for people that need their animals watched and medicated or whatever while they are at work for $12 a day. Would be worth it, I think. I am sure the surgeon will problaby change her eye meds since the ones she is on aren't working. Please keep us updated. I'll be thinking about and praying for her.
When Isabelle had cherry eye surgery it was 1 drop and 1 (whatever amount of ointment "a line" was) once in the AM and once in the PM. And if it looked to be more irritated, I was told by the surgeon to give a drop in the afternoon.

Her eye surgery got HORRIBLE before it got better and I was beyond stressed out for about 3 months. My threads are somewhere on here... She went to the vet almost every day for like 2 weeks following her surgery because I swear it was getting worse, her eye was sagging, it was swollen, red. The vet FINALLY saw what was happening and gave me a script for another 2x a day drop. So she was up to 2 drops and 1 line of ointment twice a day. Im assuming your schedule will look something like that so I really wouldn't stress about that too much!

I hope her surgery goes smoothly tomorrow to ease some of the stress away!

And you know we'll all be here to offer a listening ear and the best advice we can offer you along the way!

Just take a deep breath, and know everything will be alright once this is over!
Good luck little P! As you said, you have a good surgeon so it will all go well and Penelope's eye is back to shape in no time.
Surgeries are always stressful. I remember Moses's tail pocket surgery. Oh my, I was so stressed that I was almost shaking while waiting news how it went. And the aftercare...but all that went fast, even though it didn't felt like that at times.
It's the relief when your little guy is Ok again :)
I'm so sorry all of this is happening. How long are you away from home when working? I wouldn't leave her in the car. Maybe someone could come by and check on her and medicate her for you? Or maybe you could do day board her somewhere? A Vet hospital? I know we do that for people that need their animals watched and medicated or whatever while they are at work for $12 a day. Would be worth it, I think. I am sure the surgeon will problaby change her eye meds since the ones she is on aren't working. Please keep us updated. I'll be thinking about and praying for her.

I totally understand what you're saying, and I'm going to wait and see what the after-care protocol is before I make any decisions.

I live in Calgary, aka Expensive-ville. To have someone come over and give meds every day would cost me $26.25 each time. To board her at a hospital would cost (my regular clinic is $40/day...not sure what the emergency clinic would charge) a lot, but I'm thinking that it would be covered under Trupanion. I will have to look into that and see. Of course that would be my first option, but I think at the time I typed it I had a million thoughts running through my head and just blurted them all out. lol "What if, what if, what if...?"

Between my husband and I we might be able to do it over this next week with a little extra help here and there. Starting Sept 1 I'm back working at my regular contract and so far it doesn't look very busy. Crossing my fingers that I will be able to be home a lot of the time to give her whatever meds she needs.

I've just been through corneal ulcers before, and the treatment can be very aggressive to start with. Ie: every 2 hours for the first 24, every 4 hrs for the next 48, etc. Who knows what the surgeon will decide to do today. Will he just take her eyelashes out? Or will he take off a bit of the cornea to really irritate the eye and encourage the blood vessels to swoop in and heal it? The latter is definitely a possibility due to the fact that after 5 days it hasn't made any progress.

However, I will say that the new drops we put her on yesterday don't seem to irritate her like the Ciloxan did. So, best case scenario she'll just have the eyelashes removed, drops, and she'll heal. Worst case scenario, he has to remove some of the cornea, and then we'll be doing an aggressive treatment with her own blood serum, drops, etc. And that's when the frequent dosages come in.

So, now I'm just waiting. I feel so much better now that her surgery date is here. Let's get this done already and on the road to recovery!

Thanks so much for your kind words. :)
Just called Trupanion. They won't cover boarding costs unless the vet deems it medically necessary because the dog cannot return home for safety reasons. :(
We are sending positive thoughts for a speedy recovery from her eye surgery!
Prayers for Penelope's surgery and I am sure it will all go well. It's so hard when our fur babies are facing something like surgery but it will work out. Please keep us posted.

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UPDATE: The vet called and said he just had to remove an eyelash that was growing out of a gland (where it shouldn't have been), so that's all that was needed. Whew! I was NOT looking forward to the idea of him having to purposely damage the cornea so that it'd heal itself, etc.

So, she's home now resting, and we're to give her drops 3x/day (I can handle that!) until he re-checks her in 10-14 days.

I hope things go smoothly and that she heals quickly. He said in 5-7 days she should be pretty much back to normal eye-wise.

Keeping my fingers crossed. Thanks for all of your positive vibes! :D
Glad it was the most simple solution out of all the possibilities! :)

I hope she has a speedy recovery!

I'm glad she's on the road to recovery. Get well soon little one! :)
Phew! So glad to hear all is now sorted :) get well soon little P !
So happy she is home with her Mommy and all went so well for her and you. Now onto the healing[emoji177]

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Her eye is already so much better than what it was over these past couple of days. Not so red, she's not squinting (he said she'd probably be squinting for the next 2-3 days), her third eyelid isn't swollen, etc. I think those other drops she was on just irritated her eye so much that it just couldn't heal (that plus the eyelash was still in there).

She and her brother have just been going non-stop this morning. He is SO happy to have her home. :D
So glad to hear all is looking good over there and Penelope is back to her normal self. Phew! :D
Wishing all the best for the rest of her recovery period.
Fantastic news!! I sadly know all too well about expensive dog eyes thanks to Uma. I'm so happy she didn't need the big surgery Uma had. 3 years later and it's still healing.
Fantastic news!! I sadly know all too well about expensive dog eyes thanks to Uma. I'm so happy she didn't need the big surgery Uma had. 3 years later and it's still healing.

Oh my goodness... What type of eye surgery did she have?

We're still not out of the woods yet. She gets re-checked in 10-14 days, and hopefully by then she will have healed up.

I am just the worst when it comes to eyes. Most other things I can handle, but eyes (and seizures...I've had to deal with those with a previous pug I had) just stress me out to no end. And by now you'd think that I'd be somewhat used to it, as I've had my share of eye issues, but nope. Not to mention each dog is different, and Penelope is still relatively new to me. I don't know how quickly she heals, what medications work/don't work for her, etc. I'm still learning. :)
Oh my goodness... What type of eye surgery did she have?

We're still not out of the woods yet. She gets re-checked in 10-14 days, and hopefully by then she will have healed up.

I am just the worst when it comes to eyes. Most other things I can handle, but eyes (and seizures...I've had to deal with those with a previous pug I had) just stress me out to no end. And by now you'd think that I'd be somewhat used to it, as I've had my share of eye issues, but nope. Not to mention each dog is different, and Penelope is still relatively new to me. I don't know how quickly she heals, what medications work/don't work for her, etc. I'm still learning. :)

She had a corneal graft. She had an ingrown hair on her third eyelid and she almost lost her eye. She never complained about it and I feel SO bad that she was in pain and we didn't know. :( I'm an expert at giving eye drops to dogs now though, 3 kinds of drops for a month. Poor girl had to keep a cone on for the full month too.

Much eye health mojo for Penelope!
She had a corneal graft. She had an ingrown hair on her third eyelid and she almost lost her eye. She never complained about it and I feel SO bad that she was in pain and we didn't know. :( I'm an expert at giving eye drops to dogs now though, 3 kinds of drops for a month. Poor girl had to keep a cone on for the full month too.

Much eye health mojo for Penelope!

She wasn't squinting? Her eye wasn't red? How did you even find out she had it?

I hear ya with the drops. ;) With Penelope we've found out that we have to lay her on the couch (or on your lap), put her on her back, and at that point she just 'freezes' and lets you put in the drops. lol

My pug Percy was on drops for ages, and he would just sit there and let you do it. Not in the beginning, though! He fought and fought and fought. Eventually he didn't mind so much. I think Penelope is starting to ease up a bit, as she doesn't thrash her head around like she used to. :)
She wasn't squinting? Her eye wasn't red? How did you even find out she had it?

I hear ya with the drops. ;) With Penelope we've found out that we have to lay her on the couch (or on your lap), put her on her back, and at that point she just 'freezes' and lets you put in the drops. lol

My pug Percy was on drops for ages, and he would just sit there and let you do it. Not in the beginning, though! He fought and fought and fought. Eventually he didn't mind so much. I think Penelope is starting to ease up a bit, as she doesn't thrash her head around like she used to. :)

No. It was very strange. One day she was fine, the next she was blinking a lot. We went to our vet and tried drops for a day but it seemed to be worse. Next day we had to go to an eye specialist and they put her in surgery immediately. The specialist said another couple of hours and she would have lost her eye. I wonder if she hit her eye on something, like a tree branch, to make it go bad so sudden. All I know if that it cost us thousands but she has her eye and is no longer in pain so it's all good. She'll always have a little piece over her eye from the graft but she's still a beautiful girl in my eyes. :)

I can do anything to Uma and she never fights so putting drops in were easy. I'm glad Penelope is getting used to the drops.
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