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I'm kind of freaking out...help

I was thinking... Could you perhaps get an x-ray done? That could ease your mind. Then you'd know whether something was still in there or not.
One of our English Bulldogs had small pieces of a toy in his system for something like 9 or 10 months. He ended up having 5 inches of his colon removed. He ate and pooped normal for most of the time. He had been xrayed looking for a blockage a month or 2 after he ingested the toy piece. [MENTION=188]Cbrugs[/MENTION]

OH MY GOODNESS!! Now I am going to worry again. But I wonder if eating a bone isn't the same as eating part of a toy. The vet's office made it sound like the stomach acid would take care of the bone and I shouldn't worry about it unless he starts vomiting or not pooping. I tell ya...this dog is lucky he is so cute!

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I was thinking... Could you perhaps get an x-ray done? That could ease your mind. Then you'd know whether something was still in there or not.

I might have to do that!
OH MY GOODNESS!! Now I am going to worry again. But I wonder if eating a bone isn't the same as eating part of a toy. The vet's office made it sound like the stomach acid would take care of the bone and I shouldn't worry about it unless he starts vomiting or not pooping. I tell ya...this dog is lucky he is so cute!

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I might have to do that!

I think that is good advice!
Glad to hear he's doing well! He'll likely be just fine, but never hurts to watch.

I had a similar freakout when Junior was three months old and he managed to swallow a whole edible nylabone while I was trimming his nails. It was about three inches long. They're not recommended for puppies, either (my fault). Other than burping and rolling around all night like someone who ate a huge Christmas dinner or something, he was fine.

We give our dogs those bullwinkle chew sticks, and Junior will definitely try to swallow the whole thing if I leave him unsupervised. As I know those can be digested, I'm most worried about choking. So we throw them out when they get short (under 5 inches).

Hope Jax is continuing to do okay! But, what the heck is a kangaroo tail!??!?!? Never heard of them!

On another note, I'm no vet, but his stomach acid can probably dissolve bone better/quicker than a manufactured toy!
Hope Jax is continuing to do okay! But, what the heck is a kangaroo tail!??!?!? Never heard of them!

On another note, I'm no vet, but his stomach acid can probably dissolve bone better/quicker than a manufactured toy!

He is still eating, drinking, playing and best of all...pooping! And he hasn't vomited at all either since that second day. I was thinking the same thing about the bone versus a toy but I am still keeping my fingers crossed that there are no issues later on down the road.

A kangaroo tail is literally a dried kangaroo tail - Amazon.com : Good Lovin' Kangaroo Tail Gently Dried Dog Treats, 4.94 oz. : Pet Supplies

He absolutely LOVED it (it was like crack) but had I known what was going to happen, I would have pulled the bone away before he even had the chance to swallow it.
Hope Jax is continuing to do okay! But, what the heck is a kangaroo tail!??!?!? Never heard of them!

On another note, I'm no vet, but his stomach acid can probably dissolve bone better/quicker than a manufactured toy!

I agree! His stomach acid would break the tail up.
One of our English Bulldogs had small pieces of a toy in his system for something like 9 or 10 months. He ended up having 5 inches of his colon removed. He ate and pooped normal for most of the time. He had been xrayed looking for a blockage a month or 2 after he ingested the toy piece. [MENTION=188]Cbrugs[/MENTION]

Oh my goodness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That must have been stressful, and expensive. Hope you had vet insurance! 10 months! That is seriously shocking
He is still eating, drinking, playing and best of all...pooping! And he hasn't vomited at all either since that second day. I was thinking the same thing about the bone versus a toy but I am still keeping my fingers crossed that there are no issues later on down the road.

A kangaroo tail is literally a dried kangaroo tail - Amazon.com : Good Lovin' Kangaroo Tail Gently Dried Dog Treats, 4.94 oz. : Pet Supplies

He absolutely LOVED it (it was like crack) but had I known what was going to happen, I would have pulled the bone away before he even had the chance to swallow it.

I hope everything is okay. Do they digest bone, or could you tell if he pooped it out?
With a natural bone material the stomach acids will melt it, so it may be hard to say when it has come out. Since there hasn't been any issues since, I'm practically sure you are on the safe side.
When Moses gulped the entire pig nose, all I could tell is few days after he pooped a lot more than usually, so I guess that was when the lot came out :)
So is Jax allowed kangaroo tails anymore? with supervision
So is Jax allowed kangaroo tails anymore? with supervision

I haven't decided yet! I still have one and I was hoping to get the meat off the bone but haven't been able to. I would be so afraid that he would swallow it again before I was able to pull it away.
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