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Remy's got pneumonia

My world is falling down.

Just got back from seeing the internist. Remy's lungs are looking better but he needs a second course of antibiotics. The internist ran some more xrays (she paid for them herself) and she is fairly certain that Remy has cancer, probably lymphoma.

I knew there was a chance based on his previous songram report mentioning it, but I was just sure he had the other possibility, which was inflammatory bowel disease.

He would need an aspiration biopsy to check for cancer cells, but it is in a difficult place and may not be able to be reached.

Remy's options if he has cancer:

put him on steroids (can't go on steroids until his lungs are 100% healed) to prolong his life a little and make him feel better.

put him on aggressive chemotherapy which is expensive and may buy him a year.

put him on a less aggressive chemotherapy which may buy him 4-6 months.

Right now my head is spinning.
Oh I am so, so sorry to hear this!!! My heart goes out to you & your little one. Unfortunately 1 in 2 dogs gets cancer nowadays, its shocking and unbelievably sad!

I know this is not everybodys way of thinking, but let me just add this to your list of options: Due to the high cancer rate, we have quite a list of customers with dogs that have cancer. Natural approaches focusing on diet changes and supplements (look into curcumin & ApoCaps) have helped them tremendously.
Holistic/Alternative/Complementary Therapies doe Dogs with Cancer 'Buddy's story' explain how cancer needs certain circumstances to thrive and survive and by changing those circumstances you may have a chance to kick cancer in the butt!

Good luck! All the best to you & the little man.
My world is falling down.

Just got back from seeing the internist. Remy's lungs are looking better but he needs a second course of antibiotics. The internist ran some more xrays (she paid for them herself) and she is fairly certain that Remy has cancer, probably lymphoma.

I knew there was a chance based on his previous songram report mentioning it, but I was just sure he had the other possibility, which was inflammatory bowel disease.

He would need an aspiration biopsy to check for cancer cells, but it is in a difficult place and may not be able to be reached.

Remy's options if he has cancer:

put him on steroids (can't go on steroids until his lungs are 100% healed) to prolong his life a little and make him feel better.

put him on aggressive chemotherapy which is expensive and may buy him a year.

put him on a less aggressive chemotherapy which may buy him 4-6 months.

Right now my head is spinning.

I am so incredibly sorry... My heart aches for you both. Sending lots of prayers and love
Oh Remy you poor old man!

I'm so sorry that you received such horrific news.

Dear lord! I'm so sorry...don't really know what to say. We were all so excited of the recent good news and now this sudden turn.
Cannot even start to imagine how you must be feeling...life is just not fair. Poor Remy.
Thanks again, everyone.

This morning, my head is clearer; so I will be planning what our next step is. I will probably move forward with the aspiration in an effort to determine if he indeed has cancer. The enlarged lymph nodes are tucked under the stomach next to the spleen from how it was described to me. There is a spot on the stomach that is suspicious.

I have always said that I would not do anything heroic or extensive to prolong an old dog's life who has cancer. Now, I'm not so sure. I will need to meet with the oncologist to help make the right decision for Remy.
I am so sorry to hear this. My heart is breaking for Remy and you. I am sure you will make the right decision for him no matter what that might be. He is truly lucky to have you.
Oh no! I'm SO sorry! I do not envy you of your choices but I know you'll do the right thing for Remy. The poor little guy. I'm in tears thinking about him.
Thanks again, everyone.

This morning, my head is clearer; so I will be planning what our next step is. I will probably move forward with the aspiration in an effort to determine if he indeed has cancer. The enlarged lymph nodes are tucked under the stomach next to the spleen from how it was described to me. There is a spot on the stomach that is suspicious.

I have always said that I would not do anything heroic or extensive to prolong an old dog's life who has cancer. Now, I'm not so sure. I will need to meet with the oncologist to help make the right decision for Remy.

We do what we have to do for our fur-babies, and I know that after proceeding with professional opinions you will 100% make the right decision for your boy!
Fosta Mama, I am so sorry. How heartbreaking for you. I hope all of the signs are wrong and that he has something that he will recover from. Your poor little boo bear doesn't know he has cancer and is just happy to be feeling better. These are the worst times about being a dog guardian. Hugs to you and sweet Remy.
My darling boy Remy:

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Just found this one from the California Veterinary Specialists' FB page.

Remy & Dr Bennett.webp
Remy is helping his internist, Dr. Bennett, review his xrays.
O.M.G., he is a darling boy!!! I can't believe he is 11. He is so spry! He has such a sweet personality. What is a licky stick? Good luck and keep us posted.
Remy is home from his sonogram-guided aspirate procedure. The internist was unable to obtain a viable cell sample from the stomach wall lesion, as it is in a difficult area to reach. They were able to get a sample from the enlarged lymph node near that area, and she said the cells were atypical (kinda fluidy) but she didn't see any obvious cancer cells. We will send in those samples for testing.
So the plan now is to repeat chest xrays in 2 weeks to see how his lungs are doing since his aspiration pneumonia bout, and based on the aspirate smear results, decide what course of action to take. We may just support Remy with anti-nausea and vomiting meds and/or add a steroid.
I was told he was a model patient and he didn't even have to be tranquilized for the repeated pokes.
I am praying for him. What a sweet boy. Thanks for the update.
Stay strong, Remy! Thank you for the updates, Fosta Mama! [emoji177]

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I have no idea how I missed this, but I just went through this whole thread reading about poor Remy. I just want to hug you both! My thoughts are with you and your sweet boy <3
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