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Buster Does Not Like Baths

We have a farmhouse style sink in the kitchen, and that's what I've been bathing Louie in. It is amazing to be able to stand up straight while giving him a bath! He's not a huge fan just yet. :)
Silly Buster. :)

Wally not only likes baths he tries to push Uma out of the way so he can go first. Mind you, that excitement dies down when I start to soap him up but it's too late for him at that point. :no:
That's exactly what The Sergeant does. I take him to the vet to the techs 2Xs per mo and I do him the other 2 times. He wears me out and it takes both my husband and myself to get the mission accomplished. Sorry for your trouble but glad it's not just my dog! :yes::D
Isabelle tries to lay down on her shoulder (the playing position) and I constantly think she's going to drown or soak her ears and I end up getting frantic. Needless to say her baths are usually 5 minutes tops, I get in, wash her, get out.

I need a utility sink so I'm not hunched over or kneeling in the tub.
I use a step stool in the tub to sit on. It's black plastic, I think rubber maid makes it. I am way to old to kneel or bend over and fight. You should get one, works great. :yes:
I use a step stool in the tub to sit on. It's black plastic, I think rubber maid makes it. I am way to old to kneel or bend over and fight. You should get one, works great. :yes:

I probably should!

I was recently diagnosed with lupus.

2 of my tests say yes, one says no, so no meds yet, but the more I learn, the more symptoms I prove to have! Oy!
Chance Ioves his baths he jumps into the tub and if you forget to close the bathroom door while having a shower he wiII hop in
He jumps slides puts his head under water and tries to put his face into the drain when you puII the plug He hates or think s its a game of biting tug of war when you try to dry him
It was so much easier in the sink and a stooI in the tub maybe our next move however i can feeI the bruises aIready - pass
Chance Ioves his baths he jumps into the tub and if you forget to close the bathroom door while having a shower he wiII hop in
He jumps slides puts his head under water and tries to put his face into the drain when you puII the plug He hates or think s its a game of biting tug of war when you try to dry him
It was so much easier in the sink and a stooI in the tub maybe our next move however i can feeI the bruises aIready - pass

My English Bulldog Mack was like that--loved to shower!
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